By His Wounds

Meditations on The Passion

by Tom Kingery



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/25/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781664260689
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781664260672

About the Book

A pastor’s heart is revealed in By His Wounds: Meditations on the Passion.

Tom Kingery, a retired United Methodist pastor and the author of several books that have helped Christians ignite their faith, explores the story of Christ’s suffering, death, and burial in this inspiring work.

The author examines what it means that our Savior died for our sins, graciously taking our punishment on Himself. With a scholar’s imagination, he also reveals the character of the people around Jesus. He considers questions such as:

How can we follow the example of Christ in our daily life?

How can we be soldiers of the cross?

What does it mean to “keep awake and pray?”

When do we need our faith the most?

With various meditations, readers are asked to put themselves in the garden of Gethsemane and wonder. How did Jesus feel? Moreover, what did Pilate think as he faced his dilemma, and what could it have been like to watch Jesus die?

Deepen your faith, become a better Christian, and get answers to important questions with these meditations.

About the Author

Tom Kingery is a retired United Methodist pastor. He served for thirty-six years having been appointed to seven different parishes in the Northern Illinois Conference. He lives in Durand, Illinois, and preaches at The Church By The Side Of The Road in Rockton, Illinois, a beautiful chapel. He is a father and grandfather and loves to be immersed in the Scriptures. He is the author of seven other books.