When the Glass Slipper Breaks

Overcoming Broken Relationships

by Beth Banning



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/16/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781973619598
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781973619574
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781973619581

About the Book

When the Glass Slipper Breaks is a poignant journey through the author’s broken relationships. Beth Banning offers insights into overcoming the hurt and pain of good, bad, and ugly relationships.

Join her on her walk through Neverland to find her Prince Charming, and see what happens. You don’t want to miss out on this fairy tale.

Author and sister-in-law Beth Banning skillfully painted moving honest portraits of the men God brought into her life; however, not with the stroke of a brush using oil or acrylics, but rather perfectly illustrated the pages of this book with her gift of words. For anyone in pursuit of finding their Prince Charming, I highly recommend When the Glass Slipper Breaks as inspiration in discovering their ultimate soul mate.

David A. Green, President / CEO

Thank you, Jesus, for bringing Cinderella into my life. As usual, your timing was perfect. After a major promotion and the daunting task of overhauling a marketing and sales department, you provided the Diamond needed to guarantee success. She was anything but ordinary. There was no doubt Big Daddy and her Dad would be so proud. Her work ethic was amazing. Her positive can-do attitude was incredible. Her writing skills are the best I have ever seen. Most of all her integrity and trust in the Lord were present every day. Thank you, Cinderella, for being part of my family.

God Bless, Terry Thach
Business Owner

Beth Banning’s compact and insightful book is ideal for anyone to read especially women. Beth does a great job keeping the reader’s attention as she prompts her audience to consider the impact men have had in their life. I had chills when I read how God used me as an instrument in her life. I’ve got to believe anyone reading Beth’s story, whether mature or young in the faith will find much to meditate and reflect on in their own life’s journey. Her story is a great reminder to all of us that we can achieve “the sparkling diamonds of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, temperance and meekness.” Beth challenges us to focus on the eternal perspective and not allow our temporal circumstances to define who we are.

All for His Glory, Jeff Haddock
Business Owner

About the Author

Beth Banning is an author and copywriter for Christian publications. She graduated from Arlington Baptist College with a degree in Biblical Studies in 1977 and with a Masters in Management and Leadership from Liberty University in 2014.