Aunt Thommie's Cabin

or Life Among the Lowest

by Guy McClung



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/25/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781973666820
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973666837
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781973666844

About the Book

Harriet McCorvey, a high school junior, was raped by her pastor. She later realizes that she’s pregnant. The local abortion business, a branch location of Preferred Personhood Foundation, examines her and discovers that she is pregnant with twins and they have a condition known as Trisomy 21, Down Syndrome. The babies are identical twins. Their tissues are priceless in the eyes of some research companies who are trying to produce better tests for Down Syndrome and, possibly, a vaccine. Aunt Thommie’s Cabin is the story of a pregnant young girl’s efforts to escape from Preferred Personhood and those who have sold her babies to a research company. Harriet, still pregnant, courageously makes her way through a blinding snowstorm, seeking refuge, trying to save her babies, and keep them alive. In 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a book which stunned Americans with its presentation of the truth about the evils of slavery.

About the Author

Guy McClung, J.D., Ph.D. has long desired to shine the light of day on the evil reality of abortion in America. He came to realize that the basis for slavery is the same as the basis for abortion. This book is the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of today, exposing the truth about the institution of abortion and the abortion business in America.