Miracle Awakening

What Will the Future Be Like?

by Kenneth Foley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/30/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781512791204
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781512791211
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781512791198

About the Book

Can we unlock the future of mankind with prayer? What is the mystery of the future? Can we conquer diseases, technology, and space travel though prayer? What secrets lie in asking for God’s help? Can and will God hear and answer our prayers, or will we reach out into the planets and stars alone without God’s help? What will be your place in the future of a fast-moving world of technology?

About the Author

The author is a man that has had many miracles in his life. At age 4 he was taken to the very door of heaven where he saw the light of God all around the doorway. It was at that time that he realized he was in the spirit for he had entered a tunnel having been sick with pneumonia. He recalls the doorway to heaven being filled with Gods light. He pushed on the doorway and was bathed in Gods light for just a few seconds. The doorway closed suddenly and a voice spoke to him through the door. "You cannot come in its not your time" said the voice. A short time later he awoke in his bed at home looking at a cross on the wall before him. Again the voice spoke and said "This is why you were sent back" So began the many miracles in the life of the author. He has faced many situations in which only God could intervene and save his life. You too can experience Gods miracles if you but seek them. Know first your body is in two parts body and soul. Your soul lives throughout eternity. Your body returns to the earth from which it came. Live your life knowing you have a soul and when you arrive at heavens doorway you may enter in if you are allowed. To be denied is the most terrible of things that can happen to us. Seek God constantly and live as though you have a soul. You really do have an eternal soul. Read this book and pray often..