Wounded Eagle

Washington's Air Defense Shield is Down

by Dr. Dave Felsburg



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/14/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781512767414
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781512767438
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781512767421

About the Book

“Wounded Eagle” is a fictional account of actual events that took place during the US-USSR Cold War of the late 1970’s. The title was a top secret code word used to describe situations which reduced or eliminated advance warning of an aircraft attack on the US Capital. Such warnings are provided based on a network of long range radar sensors deployed on or near the US coastline. Digital data from these sensors are combined and integrated into overall aircraft status pictures covering hundreds of miles over the ocean and an equal distance inland. The FAA and NORAD use these data jointly for real-time air route traffic control and early warning of intrusion or attack of the homeland. The Fort Lee AFS Direction Center in central Virginia provided data to NORAD to accomplish those functions for the Mid-Atlantic States including Washington, DC. At 0430 hours (EDT) on Monday, 8 August 1977, the NORAD Command Post within the Cheyenne Mountain Complex was notified that an air conditioning failure in the Fort Lee AFS Direction Center had caused severe damage to their air defense computers. The loss of all data from Fort Lee forced the NORAD Command Director to declare “Wounded Eagle.”

About the Author

Dr. Dave Felsburg offers a fictional novel from the technical side of his forty-year bivocational ministry career. The doctor holds engineering degrees at the bachelor’s and master’s levels, a seminary diploma, four years of post-graduate seminary work and a PhD in organizational behavior and management. His secular work was in the acquisition of missile warning, space surveillance and atmospheric defense sensors and command and control systems for the US Government. His career traversed civilian and military Government service, and executive management of the four companies he founded. He currently lives in central Florida.