An Epistle to John Hagee

Concerning Jerusalem Countdown that he wrote blaming the Christians and baffling the Jews and the end time events

by Johns V. Simon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/10/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781490885865
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781490885858

About the Book

An Epistle to John Hagee is a polemic based on John Hagee’s Jerusalem Countdown, which blames the Christians and baffles the Jews. Those who hold on to the testimony of Jesus Christ cannot approve certain things found in the book Jerusalem Countdown. After finding out that many things written in this book were not written according to the truth of the gospel, An Epistle to John Hagee was written in the defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

About the Author

Johns V. Simon is an evangelist, a minister of the gospel. He is the author of A Dialogue with the Muslims, in which he explores the major issues of common interest found in the Koran and the Bible. How to Find God is a book that explains different spiritual topics as found in the Holy Scriptures. His book The Jungle Pageant!, written under the pen name Jabesh, is a children’s book that tells about the animal of the year contest in which the donkey was crowned the Animal of the Year. The author has also written and published many flyers (Gospel Tracts) and booklets and produced a TV program about the divinity of Jesus Christ: Is Jesus the Son of God? ( He has created many blog posts and a few websites such as,,, and for the spreading of the gospel. His videos can be watched on YouTube.