Grow Your Own Penicillin

Words Prescribed for a Healthy and Happy Spirit

by Ellenor Shepherd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/11/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781449777500
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781449769697
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9781449777494

About the Book

The author wants to share what she has learned through the many diverse experiences in her life. Some were joyful, some sad. There were times of hurt, times of surprise, times of questioning, and times that dealt with life-threatening issues that have strengthened and shaped her faith. Her stories reveal to you that in order to have a healthy spirit, we must listen to the doctor, God, and to grow good penicillin, we must allow what we do to be Christ-centered.
Whenever you need a devotion, wisdom for mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual issues, you’ll find the appropriate and meaningful story with an Rx for a special prescription within these pages.

Rx: Thoughts, Devotions, Meditations, or Just Thinking
Rx: Life’s Little Lessons
Rx: Laughter, the Catalyst that Jump-Starts the Healing System
Rx: God’s Amazing Creation
Rx: Learning to Live and Leave the Hurt Behind
Rx: Finding Our Own True Self
Rx: Relationships
Rx: Stories Which Touch My Soul

In addition, selected Scripture, significant sayings, and challenges for you to find your own lesson, help impact and enhance these simplistic messages.

These stories beg to be read again and again, in increments or as a whole, whether to seek an answer, to find comfort, to have a good laugh, to connect with God’s creation, or simply to enjoy.

About the Author

Ellenor Eubanks Shepherd’s personal journey, punctuated with hurts, disappointments, fun times, and traumatic events, combined with her experiences as an adjunct chaplain, has strengthened her faith and provided a plethora of stories to inspire, motivate, entertain, and challenge each reader to discover their own penicillin [lessons].

Ellenor lives in Greensboro, North Carolina. She has three grown sons and five grandchildren and is passionate about competitive ballroom dancing.