Saint Sandra is the chosen one of the spirit of the prophecy. Which means the prophecy of Jesus return is very, very soon. Saint Sandra is the true chosen one. Saint Sandra,s spirit is truly Jesus. Which means Jesus of heaven created Saint Sandra,s spirit to be Jesus. Only that Saint Sandra came from her father Jesus of heaven. The spirit of the prophecy walks. Jesus of heaven will address the world through his daughter Saint Sandra. The spirit of the prophecy of Jesus second coming walks. Saint Sandra will have a beautifull God glow arround her as her father Jesus of heaven will be addressing the world. Far this reason of the God glow is far your better understanding in which Saint Sandra is the true one. There was a time in Saint Sandra,s life. Saint Sandra spoke to someone and said to that person, that she Saint Sandra was going to be a missionary and travel the world. Not knowing that one day Saint Sandra would receive her dream. Also in which Saint Sandra would wake up to the whole truth about herself. To become a God is so beautiful in her eyes. That she Saint Sandra has truly become just that, a God. Something new far you. Saint Sandra,s is so very serious of her new life with Jesus her father. Saint Sandra is truly standing for you. Also Saint Sandra,s spirit has been to hell..Far this reason is, to help wake up the ones who do not believe that God would not, put you in hell. There was this time when Saint Sandra was sleeping then her spirit the prophecy which is Jesus but looks like Saint Sandra. Her spirit went to a place in the pit of hell. Saint Sandra arrived in a far corner of the pit of hell. But before she arrived in the far coner of hell. Saint Sandra,s spirit was on a carpet which took her through many different shades of gray some very dark and some darker. Saint Sandra was sitting on the carpet as the carpet was moving quickly going straight down into the pit of hell. This has happened far a long ways before she arrived in a far corner of the pit of hell. Now then as Saint Sandra was sitting on the carpet. Then when she arrived in the far corner of the pit of hell. That is when Saint Sandra stood up on the carpet that was floating but would stay in one spot. From a distance Saint Sandra was able to see what was going on. Saint Sandra seen from a far distance a big ugly demon bird. Now this ugly bird was flying toward some people. These people where running toward this big silver block then from the block into this great big building. I did stand up in amazement. It was absolutley terrible to witness, terrible I tell you. The big ugly bird had a pointed tail and wings. I was looking and watching all of what was going on. Then as I was standing on the carpet I tried to look into the building. I had another encounter in hell as I was walking accross the floor in this half building. I noticed a person in the bleaches in which I was walking in front of the bleaches. The person was hiding behine a seat up in the bleaches. The bleaches were very short. I was looking at the person as I was heading toward the door. So then after I was done looking at the person. As I drew nearer to the door now you must remenber it was like daylight in the building. As I approaced the door and went through the door it went from daylight to very dark. Before the door there was a floor, then as I went through the door there was no floor. I was in mid air pitch black all arround me. Then all of a sudden I was arm and arm with this big ugly demon beast. His arm was against my arm and what a very, very hairy arm his arm was.This beast was very, very long. I could not see him, but I could sure feel what was next to me. There were many different encounters that I have witnessed in hell. I would also wake up from my sleep and there would be many scrathes on my body at different times. Far this reason is when I was in hell I would fight the enemy of darkness. I would wake up with scrathes from the enemy of darkness. Oh yes, far this reason is to let you know how real and true I am. But I must say I would always win. I am truly Saint Sandra the ark angel. This Saint Sandra the ark angel is what my father Jesus of heaven has named me. This of my encounters in hell are for you the nonbelievers in Jesus to realize how serious hell really is. Far you to also realize through my book, for you the nonbeliers of Jesus that Jesus is truly son of God. I speak often to you in my book who need to wake to the second coming of Jesus to be prepared in Jesus name we pray.Far you I pray so much far. I have witnessed Jesus three times oh so beautifull so beautifull. One day I have witnessed Jesus sitting up above close to the ceiling. His legs were folded over sitting up above. I was looking straight at Jesus. But I could not see his face. The face of JESUS was a blurr I could not see his face. Oh but so excited to witness Jesus. Now then the second time I witnessed Jesus I had a beautiful vision from Jesus. As I was sleeping my spirit left my body I arrived in this place through a real vision through my dream. I was sitting at a table then all of a sudden I felt the spirit of Jesus. So then I turned and there Jesus sat about three feet away from me. Jesus was sitting at the table next to mine and there on the other side of his table was a tree. Because of the tree Jesus so loves trees and so do I. I witnesed the face of Jesus. The third time I witnessed Jesus it was also through a vision. My spirit left my body and appeared through a vision from Jesus I was floating in the air then I noticed Jesus from a far. I looked over at Jesus face to face we were. I seen clouds arround Jesus. Different shapes and dark colors all arround Jesus. Jesus will appear in the clouds. Far this reason is to let the ones who do not believe in the second coming of Jesus know the truth. Also to realize how real and true Saint Sandra that I am for you. Prepare now is the time do not wait please do not wait. I have had a flash appear right before my eyes then it was gone. It showed half of my life to come. Also I have witnessed a whole flash in the sky as I was walking the sidewalk. The flash that appeared in the sky was quiet bigger than the first flash. Because what happened was the first flash and the second flash where joined together in the sky. There was another time when I had an angel annoite me. My angel touched me on my shoulder blade and then on my forehead. That was so beautifull.