Life Is How You Look at It

by Nancy Loss



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/12/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 306
ISBN : 9781449740351
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781449740344
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781449740337

About the Book

Have you ever felt that even when your life is “gratefully going good” that “something’s glow” is still missing? Then, Life Is How YOU Look At It is just the book for you! I invite you to explore my sacredly revealed memoirs like Dare To Make A Difference ... where you’ll uniquely uncover how we’ve “each been born with both the gifts and the gusto to make an imprint on this earth!” Lastly, it is my hope that this enlightening path will take you three-fold as well. From a point of once “woe me” into the faith-filled fork of “Why NOT me?” to finally just “surrendering your life’s walk to God’s when-ready timing,” amidst immersing yourselves in the Light of The Lord to live wholesomely ever after!

About the Author

Nancy Loss lives in the Western New York area and has been very busy both living off the Lord’s vine, and letting Him take the lead. Sweetly too, after completing this book’s “calling” she finds herself primarily indebted to God for his illuminating discernment, and is looking forward to becoming a grandmother down the road, spending precious time again with friends and family, and completing with passion and patience her next round of beckoning books.

Moreover, Nancy remains truly grateful for all of her “spiritually sent” Life Lessons, as she never would have (from darkness-to-dawn) discovered how AWESOMELY God was blessing her life! Also, by finding time to foremost “pray, play and celebrate each day” – she knows His faithful parachute will always open if she focuses upon Him first!