English to Spanish Translation

$0.45 per Word

"Translation always helps us to know, to see from a different angle, to attribute new value to what once may have been unfamiliar. As nations and as individuals, we have a critical need for that kind of understanding and insight. The alternative is unthinkable." - Edith Grossman, translator of Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Living to Tell the Tale

Translate your book into Spanish, and you can reach the fastest growing segment of the American population. More than half of the growth in the total population of the United States between 2000 and 2010 was due to the increase in the Hispanic population.*  With this service, you can now break language barriers and deliver your message to a wide, new audience.

Our translation service includes:

  • General translation (no technical terms)
  • One-time proofreading
  • Adjustment of Spanish whether it be neutral or region-based (Latin America or European)
  • Non-alteration of the subject, retaining all book contents
  • Coherent translation that includes organization of paragraphs, parts, and chapters

Translation services are based on word count. There is a 5,000-word minimum charge for all translation services.

Translator’s Note: Our translators follow the style of the Real Academia Española and Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas.

Please note that if you wish to have both English and Spanish versions of your book, you will need to purchase two publishing packages – one for the English version, and one for the Spanish version. 

*According to U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Briefs

Call 844.714.3454 to order

or speak to an WestBow Press team member for more information about this service

Disclaimer: Prices listed do not include applicable taxes (such as sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, or other tax), which will be added to the total at the time of purchase. Prices listed do include the copies of the book; the cost of shipping and handling will be calculated and charged after your book is made available for sale.