He Has Made Me Glad
How God selects and beautifies His bride, the church, and her response to His great love
Book Details
About the Book
The imagery of the church as the bride of Christ is one that is rarely explored with more than a cursory overview. The deep love of the Son for His bride and the lengths to which He was willing to go in order to win His beloved are topics to make our hearts yearn to be in His presence. When we realize what Christ has done to win us as His bride, it will make us all the more willing to give up our self-exaltation and give ourselves body and soul to His service on earth until we meet Him in heaven.
About the Author
Vicki Lyle Potter started teaching before she was old enough to attend school herself. With a lineup of dolls, neighborhood children, and her longsuffering younger brother, she taught as often as possible. As an adult she became aware that her desire to teach and her ability to do so with clarity was more than an obsession. It was a spiritual gift. She is thrilled to be able to pass along what she has learned. Vicki is a graduate of Christian high school and college. She taught at Christian schools for a number of years and was a favorite of students, parents, and administration alike. She has been a Sunday School teacher for both children and adults and is currently writing a four year rotating Vacation Bible School curriculum.