Hello, My Name Is Grace

The Return of Yeshua/Jesus

by Grace Shepherd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/27/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9798385034796
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9798385034802
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9798385034819

About the Book

Oftentimes people think of grace as being God’s unmerited favor — a free pass on our sins, if you will. While this is true, to a degree, it is so much more than that. The dictionary defines grace as “courteous goodwill, simple elegance, or refinement of movement.” In Hello, My Name Is Grace, the author explores how grace is the glue that binds us and the universe together. It is interestingly evidenced through laminin, a cell-adhesion molecule that is in the shape of the cross. In sharing her story, including her time in the foster care and adoption systems, and her struggles with identity and forgiveness, the author reveals how her life has been impacted by divine grace. Her hope is that readers will find comfort in the storms of life, knowing that they can lean on Christ for strength. Join the author as she shares her heart-wrenching journey from being worthless in the world to becoming worthy in Christ. We are taken by Grace through a journey of trials, stresses and experiences handed to her by her adult caregivers that no child should have to experience. This adventure brings us with her into adulthood. She shares through her honesty and openness, a way back through the resulting depression, to a true healing and restoration of love and forgiveness through her relationship with Jesus. She rises as a beacon to share her light and show the way. I look forward to reading more of her unique experiences as she soars through life with her guiding light. ~ Linda Khosla

About the Author

Grace Shepherd lives in the Boston area with her life partner and their beloved rescue dog. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in business and is a member of the Sigma Bata Delta Honor Society. She works in the service and hospitality industry, humbly and boldly touching lives, one person at a time. Writing is her gift and her calling.