Lessons from the Heart

Devotionals for Everyday Living

by Carol A. Killgore



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/19/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9798385022960
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9798385022977
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9798385022953

About the Book

Finding uninterrupted quiet time with God is the key to soaking in His Word—the first fruits to receiving a bounty of blessings.

In a collection of God-inspired devotionals years in the making, Carol Killgore, whose heart is deeply rooted in faith, family, and service, leans on her obedience to God’s calling to inspire spiritual growth, renewal, and transformative self-reflection while guiding believers to:

• Shift thoughts and routines from the familiar to His higher perspective;
• Love one another as He loves us;
• Step out of a “me-centered” life into the lives of others;
• Realize the benefit of being in community and not in isolation; and
• Slow down, making time to take time.

Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living shares divinely-inspired messages that serve as a beacon of hope to guide believers to embrace a life of faith, service and love.

About the Author

Meet Carol Killgore, a first-time author hailing from Austin, Texas who has embarked on a profound journey into the world of Christian devotional writing with her debut work, Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living. With a heart deeply rooted in faith, family, and service, Carol brings a unique perspective shaped by her obedience to God’s calling. Her story began in March 2015 when two friends shared with her separately, a divine message they received from God, igniting her passion for writing over 100 devotions since that day.

Through her obedience to His calling, Carol aspires to uplift readers by recognizing God’s glorious unfolding of His promises through the peaks and valleys in life’s ordinary moments. Whether it’s the warmth of sharing with loved ones, the act of serving others, or maneuvering through the hurdles presented by everyday living, these devotionals aim to inspire and enlighten.

Carol and her husband, Steven, celebrate over 27 years of marriage. Throughout this time, Steven has been a faithful source of support and devoted provider, enriching the lives of both Carol and their daughter, Kacie.

Beyond her writing endeavors, Carol works full-time at a fintech and marketing services company, in a role she believes God has placed her in for this season of life. Since 2007, Carol’s family has considered Austin Christian Fellowship (ACF) their church home—where they worship, serve others locally and abroad, and are involved in various levels of ministry. Being part of ACF has helped them grow in their faith and develop spiritually since attending.

Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living represents a labor of love that has been years in the making. Carol has embraced this divine calling emboldened by the encouragement of family and friends, she now stands confident that the time has come to share these God-inspired devotionals, touching hearts and nurturing faith.

Carol’s journey into the world of Christian devotionals is a testament to her faith and commitment to her calling to serve others through the written word. In Lessons from the Heart: Devotionals for Everyday Living, readers can expect to find a source of inspiration and spiritual growth that resonates deeply with their everyday lives.

Philippians 2:13 (NIV)
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.