by Ken Cartlidge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/15/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9798385021895
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9798385021918
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9798385021901

About the Book

I have lived in interesting times. I am Titus Quirinius Germanicus. I am perhaps the most fortunate man on this Earth. I asked for a life of adventure and I got my request.
My life has been an unfolding adventure, a quest to find my own destiny. My request for an interesting life has been granted.
I have been a captive slave of the Germanic Huns.
I have sojourned over the roads of Europa.
I sailed the Great Sea.
I soldiered for the Empire of Rome.
I sought and found truths both earthly and eternal.
I championed justice for the citizens of the Empire.
I sought love and life and adventure and I found them all. I now enjoy the fruits of my labor. I lived through wars yet found peace of mind and soul. My quest for an abundant life has not been easy or peaceful but I would not choose to escape any of my adventures.
I lived through one of the most eventful centuries the world has ever seen. I want to tell you about my experiences.
My story begins on the southern shore of the River Rhine following the murder of Julius Caesar.
I invite you to travel with me on my odyssey. Let me tell you my story.

Peace and Grace,
Titus Quirinius Germanicus

About the Author

Ken Cartlidge is the author of several books including Shepherd of The Hills (the story of David as a shepherd boy and later king of Israel), The Greatest Life Ever Lived (the life Of Jesus Christ) as well as numerous articles and short stories.
Ken has served as a pastor for fifty three years. His ministry includes churches and seminaries in the United States as well as Eastern Europe. In his retirement Ken has enjoyed time with his wife Janet and with their children and grand children.
Ken and Janet continue to minister from their home in Colorado. They enjoy travel and writing and each other. Ken and Janet have no spare time. They don’t even want spare time.