Philippians: Rejoice in the Lord
A Precept Bible Study for Home Groups
Book Details
About the Book
This is an eight-week precept Bible study on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the believers in Philippi. The Philippian church was started during Paul’s second missionary journey when he led a women named Lydia and a Philippian jailer to the Lord. Fast forward ten years and we find Paul on house arrest in Rome for a crime he did not commit. Paul wrote Philippians to thank them for their financial support and encouragement. He also used this letter to address an issue that was threatening to divide the church.
Philippians has been described as Paul’s joy letter because it emphasizes the joy of living the Christian life. What makes this letter so remarkable is that Paul was joyful and found contentment while wrongfully imprisoned in Rome. How is this possible? Listen to Paul’s answer: “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with little, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need” (Philippians 4:11-12).
What was Paul’s secret for being content and living a joyful life no matter his circumstances? His secret was simple, it was grounded in his faith in Jesus. That’s what this study is about. Join me as we follow Paul and experience the special relationship he had with the Philippians and his deep desire to know Christ above all else.
About the Author
Ralph Robert Gomez is a retired software engineer who loves Jesus and came to the Lord later in life.
At the age of thirty-nine years old, while attending graduate school, Ralph had a “road to Damascus” experience and has been walking with the Lord since.
Ralph is a native of Colorado and has been married to his high school sweetheart since 1975 and has two children and three grandchildren.
Ralph has been writing Bible studies for the past twenty years and sharing them with his home group, “The James Gang” and a men’s group called “The Band of Brothers.” In addition, Ralph and his wife have hosted numerous marriage groups over the years and have a passion for helping marriages succeed.
At the urging of his friends and family, Ralph assembled his home group studies into a series of Precept Bible Studies that challenge the reader to probe deep into God’s Word (interpret) and to apply it to their daily lives (application), while having fun at the same time!
Ralph’s background as an engineer, writing software and technical documents, has uniquely qualified him to use his analytical skills to dissect God’s Word, verse by verse, making it easy and simple to understand.
Here are other precept Bible studies available from Ralph Robert Gomez.
Acts: The Birth of the Church (ch 1-12)
Acts: Paul’s Three Missionary Journeys (ch 13-21)
Acts: Paul’s Arrest, Trial and Imprisonment (ch 21-28)
Galatians: Oh, You Foolish Galatians
Ephesians: The Queen of the Epistles
Philippians: Rejoice in the Lord
All books are available at or any book store