As the title of this book states, I am STRUGGLING toward VIRTUE. I don’t expect I will ever live completely virtuous in all things. I have my lifetime imperfections and shortcomings, so I will likely always be engaged in this struggle for virtue. However, I am committed now more than ever before to conquering my soul (and mind) and building up my self-control and discipline to move closer to God through living a more VIRTUOUS life. Trying to live a Life of Virtue is the most difficult thing a person will ever do! Virtues are the moral compass of living a Godly or spiritual life. One acts with virtue when he performs the right action consistently when it is HARD to do so. Acting in a good and pleasant way when it is easy or comes naturally is of value and is pleasing and favorable. However, it is not necessarily virtuous. Being spiritual and virtuous is difficult, at least for me! But I am getting better. A genuinely virtuous person has “become” by discipline and training a naturally and consistently spiritual being.
I believe this commitment to virtue demands some of our daily time and fervent (intense) effort. It will require us to aspire to the spiritual principles laid out by Jesus Christ in His Sermon on the Mount. We will need to think (and pray) daily about being loving, kind, gentle, patient, honest, forgiving, righteous, humble, Godly, remorseful, and thankful for the many blessings of LIFE. We need to pray and reflect on these things daily. As Christians we need to thank God daily for His Son Jesus who provided us the Word of God and His message for living a spiritual (and Virtuous) life with hope of Life Eternal.
As mentioned regularly in the philosophy of Montaigne, we likely need to reconsider our priorities in life. True happiness and contentment with life cannot be achieved through just our secular life. Education, training, hobbies, and your job provides for the material means and comforts of living life. But genuine long-term fulfillment, satisfaction, and the joy of living will not be acquired and secured through such means. Our priorities must first be loving God (and Virtue), then family, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, community, and all of God’s creation. Developing a love of God, Virtue, and personal relationships with people is our primary purpose in life---Everything else is secondary.
Seeking fame and fortune is a misplaced objective and desire for living life. Following after famous people and leaders is also folly. All secular desires and aspirations are fleeting and eventually lack relevance and purpose. Our purpose for life is to become Virtuous. To draw nearer to God, and He will draw nearer to us. We have a secular life to live, but it must fit within the context of the struggle for Virtue (or eternal life). The struggle for virtue is the path to fulfillment and happiness in both the spiritual and secular aspects of our lives. Godliness (spirituality and virtue) leads to CONTENTMENT with life in all its flavors and forms. The earlier you start down this path the better. Spirituality and Virtue leads to fulfillment and happiness. Begin the struggle for virtue for that is your purpose for living, but know the struggle is the hardest thing you’ll ever do. Life will knock you down. No one can escape the bad parts of living, no matter how blessed they seem. Pursuing Virtue makes us better equipped to handle the bad and appreciate the good in Life. The pursuit of Virtue is the most noble and honorable thing we can ever do.
I think developing and keeping a sense of humor is extremely valuable if we are to enjoy life to the fullest. We must try to not take ourselves and life in general too seriously. If we cannot laugh at ourselves or acknowledge the silliness in living, then we will likely miss many of the joys of life and struggle harder through the travails of living. Always aspire to be carefree, lighthearted, and humorous as you pass through and over the many difficulties and frustrations of living.
I thank God every day for my life, and ask him to fill my heart, mind, and soul with love, kindness, and goodness. I ask for wisdom to know what is right from wrong and the best way to pursue the right path---And I ask God daily for the courage to do what is right, and the strength needed in the struggle for VIRTUE.