Preserving and Protecting the Vineyard
Book Details
About the Book
Jesus claimed “the gates of Hell” would not triumph against His church. Even death, the ultimate weapon of Satan, would not succeed in destroying it. The key to the success of any church is qualified godly leadership. In instructing Titus, the apostle Paul wrote that this leadership “must hold firm to the trustworthy word, give instruction to sound doctrine, and rebuke those who would contradict it” (1:9). The apostle then appealed to Titus to “teach what accords with sound doctrine” (2:1). Sound meaning truths, attitudes, and actions that correspond with Biblical truth. These are the leaders the Lord wants in His church. Sound Doctrine is crucial for salvation and spiritual growth. It is a sign that a church is alive and healthy. The apostle wrote to Timothy (I Timothy 4:1), “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teaching of demons.” That time is here and now and has progressed slowly through the centuries. Jesus warned of this (Matthew 24:24) as well as the apostle Paul (Acts 28:28-30), that false teachers will slither into the church causing great harm, confusing congregations, and dividing the church body. The authority of God and His Word is being challenged. Pastors and their staffs must be prepared to preserve and protect their Vineyards.
About the Author
Dr Reed was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania. He became a Christian at age ten.
Dr Reed graduated from the Practical Bible Training School, Johnson City, New York (1970). He completed a BRE with Trinity College of the Bible, Evansville, Indiana (1989), and an MA from Trinity College and Seminary, Evansville, Indiana (1994). Dr. Reed completed his doctoral studies (ThD) through Christian College and Seminary, Blue Springs, Missouri (2018).
While pursuing his education Dr. Reed spent twenty-two years in Christian education teaching history and Bible at the high school and middle school level, as well as coaching several sports. He was awarded Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers multiple times.
Dr. Reed served as adjunct professor for the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary as well as Moody Bible Institute Extension in Florida.
Dr. Reed was ordained a Cumberland Presbyterian minister in 2007. He founded and pastored Immanuel Church in the Dade City/Zephyrhills area until his retirement in March of 2020.
Dr. Reed and his wife Marion reside in Florida and have three children and eight grandchildren. He is the author of the book Steadfast and Immovable. They attend New Walk Church in Zephyrhills, Florida.