Blue Baby

A Memoir

by Dorinda Bush Jones



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/27/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9798385015085
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9798385015092

About the Book

Dorinda Bush Jones started keeping a journal to share her struggles of being a terminal “blue baby” with her son and grandchildren.
Born with four serious heart defects before open heart surgery was a reality, she spent much of her time alone, unable to keep up with other children. She often joined her parents at church, where she learned to rely on God during her lonely times.
During the summer of her eleventh year, she began to see how God was steering the direction of her life to bring her to the place where she could go from being terminal to being here to tell her story.
While her journal was originally meant for her family, she realized that people beyond her inner circle wanted to hear about how she was miraculously healed when she mentioned her writing during her various visits to doctors’ offices.
In this memoir, she reveals to the world how God, who knew all about her, kept her alive and led her to doctors who were learning, trying out new inventions, machinery, and surgical techniques, including stopped-heart surgery.

About the Author

Dorinda Bush Jones has been a person of interest in the medical field because of her successful stopped-heart surgery in January 1957, which took place eleven months after the first ever successful stopped-heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Ohio. She lives with her husband, Jerry, in a small university town, Cedarville, Ohio. They have a son and a daughter (who is now in heaven). They also have eight grandchildren.