
by Lynn Ernestine



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/10/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9798385010943
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9798385010950

About the Book

An elderly couple made their home where the

mountain met the valley, creating many wildlife


human insertion into the wildlife world,

wildlife insertion into the human world,

and a close study of animal ways.


“In the middle of the little fawn’s loneliness, a flock of

turkeys passed through. Fawn simply stepped

back into protection of the bushes and watched

the turkeys moving, quiet as ghosts, accross the



“With green eyes fixed and tail slightly twitching,

the cougar waited for exactly the right moment.

Early sunrise allowed the cougar to pick its choice

from the little herd of Mule Deer which was just

rousing in the meadow...”


“Come forth into the light of things,

let nature be your teacher.”

William Wordsworth, The Tables Turned

About the Author

Grandma Lynn Ernestine is the author and the “Grandma” character in the story about the Orphan deer. “Orphan” is a true story about Grandma and Grandpa whose small piece of land became a haven for many deer. (PS: Grandma Lynn has journaled visits by a pair of orphan twin fawns and she is considering writing their story with a title, “Haven”. Lynn)