What is time? Time is the movement of energy, created by replicating spacetime. This is why time is influenced by speed. The faster you go in any direction, the smaller the volume of replication from within you. The less those Fountains replicate and emanate (flow) from you, the less time flows through you. Any acceleration of ‘you with spacetime’ or ‘spacetime through you’, changes your spatial time zone. Time changes at different speeds because space replicates at different volumes. Whatever speed you achieve is associated with a replication frequency, which gives you your time zone. The evidence shows that spacetime is a replicating energy matrix in constant motion through replication. Its duality of travel gives space its peculiar ability to create a matrix conducive to all forms of travel. Its reproductive nature gives us a relative spacetime. The Arrow of Time only moves forward because once spacetime emerges, it displaces the current time into the past. If we could achieve light speed, the most we could ever do is to stop time in our frame of reference. Time cannot be altered because it is interconnected and relative and emerging simultaneously from every point in space. There are two common ways in which time zones are created. First, matter creates a low pressure area causing space to increase replication, which increases flow and acceleration. The second way in which time zones are created is one in which entities create their own time zone as they flow with space at any given speed.
So what causes aging, or its damage? Why would it be less in a fast spaceship, or in heavy gravity (when compared to standing still)? At a standstill, the full flow of spacetime is flowing from you and through you. As you accelerate through spacetime, or as spacetime accelerates through you, less spacetime emerges from you. The closer one gets to unilateral spacetime flow (the speed of light), the slower goes your clock. The slower your clock, the less spacetime flows out of you. The lower the energy flow, the less damage to your cells. Think of it as if you are in a sandstorm. If you stand your ground, the sand will wear on your skin and clothing. If you could flow with the storm, then the closer you get to the speed at which it is flowing, the less damage you will sustain. You guys are impressive. But, someone is arguing, “Wait. You said spacetime is not unilateral. Yet, in the example you used, the wind carries the sand in only one direction!” Yes, the analogy is limited. I’m sorry. I can’t tell you how it is, that omnidirectional space does not bombard you as you move through space. We will deal with that in Chapter 13, ‘Travel And Spatial Time Zones’. I can tell you, it pivots on the fact that nothing travels through space: everything travels with space. Spacetime does not only degrade your skin and clothing. Since spacetime travels through you, it wears out (ages) all of you.
How much time did it take to make time? Logically, you cannot use something as an ingredient to make something before the ingredient exists. So, the incomprehensible answer is that it took no time to make time. Time emerged out of eternity, manufactured out of a physical entity, namely energy. Yes, time is energy. Wait, why are you surprised? How many times must I prove that everything in the physical world is energy? Time is created by the spatial pressure created by the interaction of the fabric of space with itself. So, energy interacting with itself creates time. We can make this definitive statement: it took no time to make time. Since there is no time where time is made, then that which began, is and will never stop.
It has been amazing for me to realize that the essence of our entire universe is energy. Matter is energy, information is energy, time is energy, and spacetime is energy. It’s all energy. Perhaps nothing is more incredible than the fact that we are energy. We are living, intelligent and self-aware (SA) energy. Our bodies are composed of the compressed complex heavy elements made within stars. Yes, we are made of star dust. Pick an observation point outside your body. Look into yourself. What do you see? That’s right! You see an arrangement of matter in a cohesive, functioning form, contemplating that it is matter (composed of energy) which came from stardust. Intelligent and self-aware (SA) star-compressed energy analyzing and contemplating energy. How mind-boggling and awe inspiring is that?