Tweets of Grace
Book Details
About the Book
These offerings of grace are there to give us insight and strength, to help us make the best decisions for our lives.
During the covid-19 pandemic, people were challenged to make important decisions, and many were frustrated in this effort. Throughout life, decision-making is a continual and, at times, confusing aspect of living. Our decisions can lead us toward a good life, or they can create traumas that move us into a difficult life. How do we decide at these critical moments which is the best course of action?
Tweets of Grace are brief thoughts about important things everyone experiences. The answers to life's problems are anchored in biblical principles. These tweets show the importance of managing our feelings; they describe God's blessings to us; they suggest habits we should cultivate; and they highlight life's variables, over which we have little or no control. These offerings of grace are there to give us insight and strength, to help us make the best decisions for our lives.
About the Author
Toni Kendrick is a Christian woman with a strong commitment to living a full life shaped by the tenets of the bible. Born and raised in Chicago, now living in Charlotte, North Carolina and married for over 40 years, Toni believes her life’s journey is stronger, more meaningful, and joyous because she recalibrates her contemporary values and routines with the doctrines set down in the bible. This practice has given her a life of unimaginable grace.