Truth and the Transcendent Business

Heresy or Prophesy?

by Dave Geenens



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/16/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781664218925
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781664218932
Format : Audio
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : N/A
ISBN : 9781664225282

About the Book

Do you struggle to reconcile your work in the marketplace with your Christian faith? Are you frustrated with the descent of our culture into intolerant factions that threaten life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The pursuit of social justice is a common goal of mankind, but the means to get there are of significant debate. Where can we find answers?

Adam Smith foretold of extravagant passions that are harbingers of the ill-functioning free market we see today, where rights to private property and the rule of law prevail, but where an amorphous morality acts to pit class against class and threatens the very liberty and freedom on which a free market is built. You will find the truth about what is required for a free market to function well, and it may surprise you!

Though many view business today as part of the problem, the Church views business and business leaders as part of the solution. This is true especially for businesses operating in a free market! You will be shocked at how crystal clear the Church speaks of business, its true purpose, and the necessary role business leaders play in the economic and spiritual flourishing of their employees. There is no substitute for the practice and perfecting of virtues at work.

In this book, you will walk through history, economic theory, virtuous business practices including a new perspective on business leadership, and real stories of the application of these principles in business today. The 13 Tenets of the Transcendent Business will help provide a guide for you as you begin leading your business and your employees toward transcendence – the true purpose of business. Also, you may well experience the peace that comes with aligning your Christian faith with that to which you are called: business.

About the Author

Dave Geenens is Associate Professor in the School of Business at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. Simultaneous to much of his academic career spanning 11-plus years, Dave has consulted with and held part-time executive positions in business enterprises in a variety of industries including apparel manufacturing and decoration, financial advising, equipment manufacturing, and large-scale commercial services.
His full-time business executive experience includes President/CFO of Fire Door Solutions and CEO of Avascend Healthcare Hospitality, both in Overland Park, KS; CEO/President of Impact Design in Lansing, KS; Vice President of Operations at Penn Emblem (Philadelphia, PA) and Gear for Sports (Lenexa, KS.) Each of these business leadership experiences coupled with his Christian faith have informed his hands-on application of the principles in this book.
Dave holds a bachelor’s degree and MBA along with a CPA license (inactive).
He is the author of three other books:
Nothing is Free – The Price Only Business Leaders Can Pay to Protect Free Markets
Leaderslip – Reversing the Slide of American Enterprise Leadership
Arise! – Life Changing Truths for the Tormented Leader
Dave speaks to companies and groups nationally about the integration of faith and work and the critical role Christian virtue plays in the protection of free markets and liberty, and how virtue is essential for effective leadership and optimizing cooperation.
He and his wife, Terry, and their dog, Lucy, live in Lenexa, Kansas (Kansas City) as empty nesters. They love and enjoy their grown children; Megan, Aubrey, and Austin; their spouses, grandchildren, and grand dogs.