
In Your Will is Our Peace

by Deacon Francis G. King Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/9/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 118
ISBN : 9781664224575
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 118
ISBN : 9781664224568

About the Book

When I was blessed with the gift of divine peace at the top of Apparition Hill in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 2010, I was told to write about it. How do I describe the indescribable? This book is the fruit of my submission to God’s will. It describes specifically how the three faculties of the soul: mind to know the truth, will to do good, and heart to love, are used to achieve such a peace.

Our mind is tasked to know God’s Truth that He loves us more than we can ever imagine and His Goodness to us is beyond measure. With this knowledge in our minds, we must decide to make known God’s glory of Goodness and Love. Supported by this rationale, our will acts to bring God’s Goodness to others by deeds and words so that they will come to know Him. When we can feel God’s unique and personal love in our hearts then we can let His love shine through our hearts to love others so that they can choose Him.

In this way, through His grace, we offer our soul (mind, will and heart) and body to do God’s will to save souls. We learn to seize His grace by making small acclamation of “yeses” to Him one decision at a time in our minds, one good act at a time in our will, one deed at a time from our heart for the love of God. These small “yeses” will grow to become habitual “yeses” as we progress towards abandoning our mind, will and heart totally to Him. When we conform our mind, will and heart to God’s will, we achieve peace in our soul. We can only do so if we let Christ live in us.

In His will is our peace! (Dante, Divine Comedy)

About the Author

Reverend Doctor Francis King, ordained in 2012, is a Deacon at St. Regis Catholic Parish in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He is also the President of the Chinese Catholic Society of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of California in Berkeley and Master’s Degrees in Theology and in Pastoral Studies from Sacred Heart Major Seminary. He worked at Ford Motor Company, Perkin Elmer Data Systems and Fordham University.

He holds 7 patents. He coauthored “Process Improvement Simplified” and published articles in the Encyclopedia of Robotics and NATO’s Advanced Science Institute Series. Deacon King is currently working on 3 additional books. They are respectively on joy, love, and life.

Deacon King and his wife, Lucy, have two children, Anthony and Rebecca, and five grandchildren.