SAVED!!! What it means to me

Personal stories from “born-again" Christians, about their individual lives, salvation, and the change since they accepted Jesus Christ.

by Ken Byrne



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/25/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781664213425

About the Book

What happened to these people changed their lives forever.

Compelling life stories, or testimonials, from eleven people in different walks of life. You may relate to one of them. Find out what it means to be “born-again” and the impact it can make on you. What happened to these people changed their lives forever.

“I remember begging God to do something because I could not go on like this anymore. I asked Him to either take control of it all or take me home. I don’t know how long I stayed like this. While I was contemplating all this, I suddenly realized a change coming over me. I felt a deep peace and then strength.”
—Jane Byrne

“There is nobody so filthy or so lost that Jesus Christ cannot come and turn your world right-side up. Neither is there anyone so righteous or so good that they do not need Jesus Christ.”

“My time at church turned stale, with the exception of the homily, and I had committed the entire Mass (service) to memory. The most alarming thing to me was that I felt the same exact way before a church service as I did after church. There was no feeling in my faith, only doing and attending church once a week, which simply checking off my duty to God. I believed salvation, or entrance into heaven, was something you could earn or achieve, and I lived with this mentality for 19 years.”

Saved!!! What it means to me does not just end with these stories. We want you to experience a relationship with God like we have, so a Plan of Salvation is included at the end, which could be the beginning for you!

About the Author

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