A summary of some evidence-based science presented in this book is as follows:
1) The Big Bang’s supposed abrupt appearance of energy from nothing is a violation of the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy is neither created nor destroyed.
2) The Big Bang violates the law of cause-and-effect on which science is based. The Big Bang has no cause; energy just magically appears. It did not happen by chance, because chance does not cause anything, especially causing something to appear from nothing.
3) According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the hypothesized Big Bang’s energy should have dissipated into the expanding universe. Thus, the idea that the Big Bang created everything is a violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
4) Many spiral galaxies are not wound up. That means the universe is young and not billions of years old. The existence of hot blue stars, and neutron stars in open star clusters also mean that the universe is young and not 13.8 billion years old.
5) Our space probes have detected ice volcanoes on moons and dwarf planets in our solar system. The fact that they are still erupting water demonstrates that our solar system is young and not 4.5 billion years old.
6) The Cassini spacecraft data concerning the rings of Saturn show that they are young, and not billions of years old. This implies that Saturn and the rest of the solar system, including the Earth, are also young and not 4.5 billion years old.
7) The Cassini spacecraft launched a probe, Huygens, which landed on Titan. The data from both Cassini and Huygens indicate that Titan is geologically young and that its atmosphere can be no older than 10 million years. If Titan is young, this also implies that the solar system is much younger than the supposed 4.5 billion years.
8) The Voyager 2 and Cassini spacecrafts reported that tiny Enceladus, one of Saturn’s many moons, continuously erupts geyser-like curtains of mostly water. Cassini flew through a plume and detected some hydrogen and organic molecules mixed in with the water. Enceladus is small, about as wide as Arizona (313 miles). After the speculated billions, or even millions of years, such a tiny moon would have run out of water, organic molecules, and gases. But no, lively little Enceladus is actively pumping out liquids and volatile gases! The obvious conclusion from this is that Enceladus is young, not 4.5 billion years old.
9) The 4.5-billion-year age of the solar system is an assumption based on radiometric dating (a method which itself is based on assumptions only). There are three fundamental problems with radiometric dating: a) What were the initial amounts of the radioisotopes in the sample? b) Did the rates of radioactive decay for the various radioisotopes change over time (in some cases billions of years)? c) Was there previous contamination of the sample (again, in some cases billions of years)? In all cases, scientists have made big and, it turns out, woefully wrong assumptions to obtain their wildly inaccurate radiometric ages.
10) Tests of the radiometric method with rocks of known ages have shown that radiometric results based on the above assumptions are way off the mark. On the other hand, helium measurements from radioactive decay in zircons in basement granite show that the Earth is roughly 6,000 years old.
11) Chemicals, organic or not, contain no genetic information. Yet our DNA carries much complex genetic information. Thus, there is no way that chemicals can be the so-called “building blocks of life.” Life does not come from non-life.
12) Experiment after experiment, from Francesco Redi to Louis Pasteur, from Pasteur to Stanley Miller, and then continuing on to the present, have shown that life does not come from non-life. The speculation of evolution from chemicals (chemical evolution) is pure fiction. There is no such thing as survival of the fittest chemical! Pasteur had it right when he stated his Law of Biogenesis, that life comes from life.
13) Evolution, descent from a common ancestor by chance mutations, is religion and not science. Descent from a common ancestor requires unlimited variation of genetic information, but the observational, experimental and confirmable evidence is that biological variation is limited: Strongly irradiated fruit flies remain flies, Darwin’s finches stayed finches, Galapagos tortoises are still tortoises, and so on.
14) Evolutionists such as Richard Dawkins believe that we evolved new genes from random mutations. Yet, DNA evidence shows that the biological changes involved in the emergence of polar bears from brown bears, and in the development of new dog breeds, was a process of devolution and not evolution. What actually occurred in brown bear change was the breaking of existing genes, and not the making of new ones.
15) While chimpanzees and other apes all have the same number of chromosomes, 48, humans only have 46. Further, scientists studying the male-specific Y chromosome have found a 30% difference between chimpanzees and humans. This 30% is about the same or worse than the difference between humans and chickens! These results and others are genetic evidence against our descent from chimpanzees and other apes.
16) Secular evidence from real mutation rates show that the human race is approximently 6,000 years old. The human race did not branch off from some supposed chimpanzee-human ancestor millions of years ago. There is no evidence for this evolutionary speculation that involves millions of years.
17) The evidences for catastrophic flooding and rapid burial are all around us. For instance, petrified forests, polystrate fossils, petrified wood, and fossils with soft tissue are evidences of rapid burial. Also, rounded erratic boulders are evidences for a mighty flood such as Noah’s Flood, and not ice-rafting, which do little or no rounding of boulders.
18) Secular studies based on mass data from DNA barcoding have resulted in genetic findings that fit either God’s creation (a founder event) or the Genesis Flood (a genetic bottleneck).