Godly Origins: Worldviews Collide

How Evidence-Based Science Supports the Biblical Worldview

by Emerson Thomas McMullen B.S. M.S. M.A. Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/26/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9781664218826
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 254
ISBN : 9781664218819

About the Book

There is no conflict between the Bible and science that is evidence-based. The conflict is between belief in the Biblical Worldview and belief in a non-biblical worldview. If a claim about nature is not testable or observable and then confirmable, it is not science.

This book shows where evidence-based science supports the Biblical Worldview, and where evidence-based science conflicts with the other so-called “scientific” worldviews of our modern times. For instance, experiments have shown over and over that life does not arise from chemicals, observations show that biological change is limited, chance does not cause anything, and the Big Bang violates the principle of cause and effect, is not testable, and therefore is not scientific.

In his 1859 book, On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin correctly wrote about his “belief in the transmutation of species” (p302), that “The theory of natural selection is grounded on . . . belief” (p320), and that he believed we descended from one common ancestor (p484). Darwin believed in evolution because he had no evidence. Concerning On the Origin of Species, he admitted that “the whole volume is one long argument” (p459). Concerning God, Darwin wrote about “. . . the laws impressed on matter by the Creator” (p488).

Yet, evolutionist Jerry Coyne of the University of Chicago wrote that “the bulk of Darwin’s 1859 book, On the Origin of Species (first edition) actually comprises evidence for evolution.” This claim was in a 2014 letter from atheists complaining about the author to his University President. A signer of this letter (from the Freedom From Religion Foundation) was British multi-millionaire, Richard Dawkins. Atheists such as Coyne and Dawkins have no evidence for their claims that life came from chemicals, that we descended from a common ancestor, or that there is no God. They believe these claims.

About the Author

Dr. McMullen conducted research at three government laboratories and taught at four universities. He has two degrees in engineering and two in the History and Philosophy of Science. He was baptized at an early age, but in college, he went his own way. God called him back to Himself through Jesus Christ in 1969, and he has endeavored to live more biblically since then. He and his wife met at the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory and have been married for 57 years. They have two children, five grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.