Honor To The Great Head of the Church

A Transformational Model for Church Leadership, Administration, and Management

by Margarette W. Williams Ed.D. Ph.D. Foreword by DR. GEOFFREY VAN GUNS



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/11/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781664238893
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781664238916
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781664238909

About the Book

Honor to the Great Head of the Church

A Transformational Model for Church Leadership, Administration, and Management

This Volume One of the Transformational Church Administration Series is support for the organized church to stay on Christ’s message of redemption He has set for the church. Its purpose is to share passion for a committed focus on God’s ordained purpose and mission for His church. Church leaders are encouraged throughout the volume to adhere to theological principles for continued devotion to God’s one true mission. That message is that Christ is God’s mission. Christ is God’s only mission for the church, the people of God. The church exists only as it participates in the “act of Christ.”

Chapter by chapter, the book communicates the necessity to intentionally combine God’s divine mission as presented from biblical theology with practical applications of organizational leadership and management. The critical shift with this book apart for other resources highlighting the works of church administration is the acknowledgements that for the church to remain under the Lordship of Christ; the church must be in a continued pursuit to seek Jesus the Chris in all engagements of worship, administration, management and service.

The Lord’s purpose of redemption from sin and death has to remain front and central in every ministry, in all programmatic formats, and every service project represented by the church. God’s call to redeem lost man unto salvation and discipleship is highlighted as functions to be grounded through participation in service models and organization. Learners come to view leadership and administration from a scriptural context. As a result, leadership theories and principles of management accurately operate with results that brings edification to the glory of God in all matters of church leadership for administration.

About the Author

Dr. Margarette Williams is a wife, mother, business woman, and a Christian educator. She is married to Lewis Williams, and is the mother of two daughters, Marceinia (Gregory) & Lyska (Terrance) two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren (Malcolm, Jordan, Jayden, Maya, & Johnathan). Dr. Margarette Williams is President & CEO of LEAPS Initiatives, LLC; operating with a 36 year history in the primary businesses, Ephesus Christian Bookstore & Heritage Fashions Boutique. Her Sharper Image Barber and Styling Salon presently contracts with independent barbers and stylists.

Dr. Williams earned the Doctor of Education in Higher Education from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and is a 2013 graduate of Trinity Theological Seminary, receiving the PhD in Ministry Leadership.

Dr. Williams serves as Director of Ministries and Christian Education at New St. Hurricane MBC. She serves as President of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Regular St. Marion District Association of Pine Bluff.

As a writer for Sunday School Lessons at the Sunday School Publishing Board, the National Women’s Auxiliary Mission Lessons, and The Informer, Dr. Williams has written numerous articles and her lessons are featured in Christian publications across the National Baptist Convention. She served fourteen years as assessor and evaluator for the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education, National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Her newest business venture, Transformational Consultants Institute, located at 901 West 6th Avenue, Pine Bluff, AR is a 501 c3 Internal Revenue Service nonprofit organization from which Dr. Williams serves congregations, businesses, educators, and the community as an organizational systems management consultant. In 2018, Dr. Williams launched the Behind the Veil Expository Teaching & Writing Ministry Lunch & Learn Class. She coins it Chit Chat & Chew with Dr. Margarette. Her expert skills in biblical exposition have garnered widespread support for the school from the community.

Dr. Williams is a teacher, an author, a motivational speaker, and a Speech Language Pathologist. She is completing the writing of her first book, HONOR To The Great Head of the Church: A Transformational Model for Church Leadership, Administration, and Management. This first book is Volume One of The Transformational Church Administration Series designed to implement transformational advancements for church growth.