Strut and Poke
A Softball Story
Book Details
About the Book
This story is about two teenage ladies who were fierce competitors on the field and how God turned a bad situation into a good one. As the ladies encountered life’s struggles, they found peace clinging to their faith in Christ and each other. We hope this short story brings a smile to your face and warms your heart.
About the Author
This project was undertaken to help my Granddaughter Eliza, understand the process of writing a book, and becoming a published author. We placed the story on paper, worked together on the editing and rewrites, and worked on selecting a publisher to get our book into publication. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with my granddaughter on this project and how she was able to squeeze me and the “book work times” in-between softball practices, softball games, volleyball practices and social events with friends. We did it and believe Eliza now enjoys the product she helped create.