We Saw the Image of Jesus in the Clouds
Book Details
About the Book
I have seen many miraculous moments right before my eyes with witnesses, that I want to share with the world. One of the biggest miracles was seeing an image of Jesus in the clouds. Also, a heart that appeared in my bathroom shower curtain and three weeks later, I took another picture and it was red inside the heart, as if it were real. That’s when I thought of writing my book. You have to read about all of my miracles and see how you get inspired by it. I have lots of faith in God and have truly been blessed. Trust in God, he hears us all.
About the Author
For years, Edna Castro has experienced miracles happening, but never thought about it until she has had many miraculous moments, one after another and she decided to share them with you. she has big faith in God and has been truly blessed.