There are several elements that can help maintain a healthy relationship: communication, compromise, patience, respect, prayer, and a willingness to grow and change in a positive way. Communication is a must, as the lack thereof, can destroy any relationship. Since a relationship is a two-way street between two individuals, compromise is necessary. You can’t always have things your way. There must be compromise, along with patience and respect. Your body language, along with what you say and how you say it, all show your level of respect for the other person. Another element is prayer. Including God in your relationship will benefit your relationship greatly. God knows you best, and he is the only one who can get someone to change for the better. As you grow together, it is wise to incorporate prayer into your daily lives.
It is important to know who you are before you decide to be in a relationship with someone. Evaluate your self-confidence level and understand that your opinion and happiness matters. This will help you to avoid people who aim to de-value you or who have no problem disrespecting you. These types of people can’t always be avoided in life in general, but your confidence level can help you to co-exist with them. For example, it’s more difficult to avoid neighbors and co-workers who fit this description but the person you’re dating is a different story. You don’t have to accept that type of behavior from someone that you are dating. You can just end that relationship.
There are a few other aspects to consider for establishing healthy relationships. Know that you are responsible for your own happiness. It is no one else’s responsibility to make you happy. Also, take into consideration the things that you aren’t willing to tolerate in a relationship; write them down if you need to. This way you can recognize the behavior and address it immediately. Make sure that you’re ready to be in a committed relationship. Do you have the time to devote to nurturing a relationship? Are you emotionally ready? Do you have unresolved issues from your last relationship that could negatively affect a new relationship?
Once you start dating, and dating leads to an engagement, there are more things to consider. What are your reasons for wanting to get married? It’s important to know the real reason why. How well do you know this person? Do you share some of the same views and goals? What do you have in common? Can you see yourself living with this person for the rest of your life?
You have to be willing to share your opinions, desires and disappointments with this person. Effective communication is the key to understanding each other better. Keep in mind that no one is a mind reader. This is necessary in order to manage conflict in a relationship. There will be conflict because no one gets along one hundred percent of the time.
If you take these elements into consideration, then the likelihood of having a healthy relationship is greatly improved. It does take work to manage and maintain a healthy relationship. Establishing a relationship around these elements is a good start.