A Journey Through Torah

An Introduction to God's Life Instructions for His Children

by Michael G. Wodlinger Illustrated by Glenn Sikorski



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/23/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781973663317
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781973663324

About the Book

Is this your first time reading the Bible, or have you not read the five books of Moses before? Perhaps you are looking for some clearer understanding of what is being taught? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then this is your book. A Journey Through Torah has been written specifically for you! And yes, even if you are well-read in the scriptures, these stories are sure to add valuable insight for your understanding.

As you read through these pages, you will be introduced to the ancient process of teaching—storytelling. Hi, my name is Michael Wodlinger, and I have been a teacher of stories for more than fifty years. Along with the renowned illustrator Glenn Sikorski, we have created a clear explanation of the many stories recounted in Genesis, the first of the five books of Moses. We pray you will enjoy.

About the Author

Michael Wodlinger is a Jewish believer who was raised in a Jewish home in Toronto. His grandparents immigrated to Canada from the Ukraine in the late 1800s.
Michael Wodlinger has been a professional educator for over 50 years, as teacher, administrator, researcher, author, consultant and counsellor. He has a Master of Theological Study in Spiritual Formation at Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, a Master’s degree from the University of Toronto, in Educational Theory and a Doctorate from the University of Alberta, focusing on educational administration.
Michael has been working with educators in industry, health services, education, and churches. Prior to his retirement, Michael was employed as Associate Professor of Education and Director of University Research at Nipissing University, Ontario and, most recently, an adjunct professor with Tindale Seminary, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. An author of several books on adult education, reflective practice, effective mentoring and numerous other publications, Michael has focused his professional activities on critical thinking, decision making and mentoring skills.
Michael came to faith in Messiah Jesus later in life. Intrigued by the changes in his wife, Chantal, when she first came to faith, Michael’s curiosity and the gentle ministry of dear friends eventually brought him to the Lord. A Chosen People Ministries staff member had the privilege of praying with him when Michael decided to trust in the Lord.
Michael began his latest phase of career and ministry by serving with Chosen People Ministries in Toronto, Winnipeg and most recently Quebec where Michael and Chantal create and broadcast monthly Bible Studies and weekly Devotions through their website: www.heartformessiah.org, You Tube and Facebook. Michael and Chantal are active in the community, volunteering and sharing the Gospel. Michael and Chantal are currently discipling a small group of adult Believers and their children who are discovering their Hebraic roots.