This book has been compiled to bring glory to God, through His inspirational thoughts on a variety of everyday subjects, with a hint or two included.
Light And Strength
A seamstress with needle who needs to add thread
When her eyesight’s a little diminished
May place a bright light behind its eye
So her task be successfully finished.
When through a tough thickness the needle will balk
A surface of strength may impel,
Enabling the sew-er to slowly advance
Till the job has been done really well.
As we travel through life it is wise to recall
That behind us we can have the Light
Enabling our willingness in every task
Towards a future eternally bright.
And when those tough patches we have to go through
As everyone does in this life,
The Christian will find that the Spirit provides
The strength to come through the strife.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid
—Psalm 27:1
Written after solving these 2 problems in one day, at the sewing machine -
1. A piece of white paper held behind the needle’s eye can more easily direct the freshly cut thread through.
2. The other when hand sewing - Holding a strong flat heavy surface behind the needle’s back end can gently push it through.
Lost keys, to the couple, caused great concern,
They’d both searched everywhere-
Deciding finally to turn
To our Saviour Lord in prayer.
When next the wife went to the line
To hang out laundered sheets,
Two lemons from a tree close by
Dropped suddenly near her feet.
On bending to collect the fruit
More closely she inspected
And from beneath a grassy shoot
The keys were resurrected.
It only seems a minor thing
But an answer still to prayer.
When problems to our Lord we bring
We’ve evidence of His care. 17.9.2002
True story told to me by a friend.
I thank you, Lord, for all the things
You have bestowed on me.
I praise you for a heart that sings,
Sunsets and scenery.
I praise you for the flowers that grow-
A tree in symmetry,
Crescent colours of each rainbow
And sweet serenity.
On distant hills the starry lights,
A sparkling bright array
Against the velvet black of nights
Like jewels on a tray.
I praise you for your constant care
And for my family.
I praise you that you’re always there,
And the joy of poetry.
I praise you for the rising sun,
Moonlight and shimmering sea,
I thank you that you gave your Son
To give His life for me.
Loving Justice
I’ve heard it said, ‘One wouldn’t want to know
A God so harsh, He’d treat some people so,
By sending them to Hell -eternal fire,
Because they’d earned His judgement and His ire!’
But no. I must protest, it isn’t so,
He’ll only send them where they chose to go.
His invitation’s open - to come into the Light
‘No thanks’ is what condemns them to everlasting night!
It’s up to us to choose, accept Christ or refuse,
But in refusing, accept that we will lose
The chance to have His heavenly company
From now and on, until Eternity.
If loving God’s the goal, then Heaven’s the prize,
Those turning away, would need to realise -
Why would God want His Heaven to be peopled by
Those who on earth reject and crucify?
God’s perfect world, created for our best,
Was spoiled when humans didn’t pass the test,
His generous gifts forgotten… If we’re wise
His loving justice we will recognise.
All stand condemned when viewed through Holy sight,
But true repentance ends our sorry plight.
Our sins wiped clean through Jesus’ sacrifice
God’s merciful redemptions paid the price. 11.3.2011
Blessings abundant,
blessings galore,
Too many to hold
in memory’s store,
God’s been so gracious,
merciful and good,
So even through trials,
we’ve all understood.
He gave us some time
to be prepared,
Enveloped us in love,
to show that He cared,
He sent many angels,
both stranger and friend,
To comfort and pray,
and on Him depend.
And all through the anguish,
many moments of joy,
Loving-kindness and humour,
our spirits to buoy.
He gave us rich memories
to hold in our heart,
Anniversary - family service
- Lord, how great Thou art.
— Psalm 8:1
Certain shades of blue, with no reasoning or rhyming,
Send my spirits soaring and my pulses climbing,
Dainty duck-egg blue, so delicate and pretty,
Ice-blue, peacock, royal tones, have pigments serendipity,
But the blue mountain’s blue holds heart and home for me!
Deep in the shade of a peaceful green glade
Where coolness and calmness are found,
In clear sparkling rills; on horizons of hills,
All around, Nature's beauty abounds.
Ferns and fragrance and flora availed to me!
Brilliance in splashes of lorikeet flashes-
Inspiration of music and art-
Tinkling of waterfall, blending with bellbirds call,
Blue mountains - first place in my heart!
A singing, spirit-soaring place to see!
Mist in the valleys is rising like foam
Of white-capped waves on the sea.
No persuasion would prompt me to give up my home-
Beloved blue mountains for me!
A wondrous, waltzing, whirling place for me!
Visitors come to admire the scene
And breathe in the clean fresh air.
The wonders they'd miss if they never had been
This blue mountain heaven to share.
A heavenly, healthy, heart-happy place to be!
Bluer than skies on bright sunny days,
Bluer than eyes in the loveliest face,
Soul blue in the depth of our eucalypt haze-
Blue mountains - a heavenly place!
A blossoming, blooming, bountiful, beautiful,
blue-ribbon place to be!
A 1st-prize-winner at B. M. Eisteddfod, 1996, Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, NSW