We Sleep They Live

by David Michael Beechwood



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/7/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781973661887
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781973661894
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781973661900

About the Book

Today, we are feeling the loss of our privacy like no other generation has. We are also being led down a path that fuels the evil intents of those who collect our secrets. Rather than being warmed by the suggested security blanket, most of us have felt a little uncovered at times.
Our lives are often shamefully exposed by people with self-serving epic desires to know everything about each of us. Those involved in this prying employ little known or hidden processes. These methods have been used against us by both criminals and the government. Unendingly, we are asked to conform to intrusive measures or laws that severely alter our lives.
Who is it that is restructuring our lives in all too often negative ways? While considering what has been happening here, an interesting comparison struck me. It came from an old movie called They Live. Others who have watched this movie likely had similar thoughts of comparing it to the reality we all face today. I have taken those lighthearted comparisons and have carried them further in this book. The effort here is to bring to light what most of us already know but do not want to take seriously.
We live in a world that really does have evil people lurking behind the scenes. They take advantage of us with impunity. Why? – Because very few people are looking deep enough to uncover the webs of deceit that exist. This book uses the backdrop of the movie to paint a real-world comparison of those treacheries that befall most of us. The schemes used by those behind-the-curtain villains to perpetuate their corruptions on the world are addressed herein. This book might seem like a work of fiction, but sorry to say, it’s a nonfiction title.

About the Author

While in the Military at Fort Knox, the author attended college at the University of Kentucky. Later, after serving in Vietnam, he was honorably discharged and returned home to Michigan. There he finished his university studies and received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Detroit Institute of Technology in 1973.
These events helped him to secure a position as an engineer for a major telephone company. There his work often brought him to meet with business and governmental leaders. His attention to details throughout life generated this book about who is controlling your life without your knowledge.
His writings reflect the influence of many non-mainstream figures who also took a closer look and where dismayed. Their corrective suggestions were primarily stifled by the main characters in this book. The author’s first book, titled The Price System also follows the theme of this work.
The desire to help his country and also the world led him to write these books. The information contained within them is his contribution to that effort. The alternative worldviews presented in them, offer that potential.