The Sincere Milk

Rightly Dividing the Word

by Eldermarge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/17/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781973658221
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781973658238
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781973658214

About the Book

Those who like to read will agree for decades that the Holy Bible has been the #1 best seller everywhere books are sold. The whole world has a love-hate relationship going on with this ancient masterpiece. It is loved by many who readily and eagerly testify of its life-changing Good News (Gospel). For centuries, many have died for it. On the other side of the spectrum, you have those who vehemently detest and protest its very existence. They are those who might kill others because of it. The content of the Holy Bible has drawn a virtual line in the sands of time.

Many have been known to set out, determined to prove the fallacy of its content, or, at best, call them old wives tales, only to end up as apologists themselves.

No matter what your present position, you will find the unusual contents of this little, perhaps insignificant, book will cause you to reconsider your position. Selah.

Stop and think about it!

About the Author

A mother, grandmother and great grandmother, celebrating her eightieth birthday, Elder Marge Stewart has been serving in a local congregation of approximately four hundred dedicated members consisting of all ages, in a variety of capacities including: Sunday School Teacher, Licensed Preacher, Elder, Sunday School Superintendent, Choir Director/Worship Leader, Psalmist among others. Upon entering First Baptist Church, Bay Shore, N.Y. at thirty-nine years of age, after hearing the pastor preach, ‘The Love of God,’ she never looked back for the next thirty years. It was such a wonderful thing to hear and believe it was true.

Her love for children drew her to the children’s choir’s singing that Sunday. The song was ‘Save Me Lord,’ so beautifully sung by The Sunshine Choir. Not knowing all that happened she went home to tell her teenagers, who even mentioned she seemed different, ‘The Good News.’ Indeed she was different! In more ways than one. Many things began to change within her household that day. Not everything was to everyone’s liking.

Margie was inspired to give birth to this book while becoming repeatedly troubled by frequent unchecked and even undetected errors germinating and circulating throughout many pulpits and airways in the body of Christ. This is especially hazardous to ‘Babes in Christ’ and those who need to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH (2nd Timothy 2:15).