At creation three important things happened. And these were the three ingredients for the creation of man.
1. God created the heaven and the earth. To create means to bring something our of nothing. So God bring the earth into being out of nothing by his word. He created the earth full of dust not tarmac. It is obvious the dust comes with the earth.
2. God use the dust as an ingredient to form a man in his own image and in his own likeness. So here God, instead of creating or uttering a word to bring man, he just took dust to form a man. Now God created man but the actual thing that happened was that, he designed him, to have a definite structure, form, image and likeness like God. So man is designed at the first place not created, but created indirectly. It was the earth (dust) which was created because the earth (dust) comes to being out of nothing by the word which comes out from the mouth of God. And man was formed by the hand of God from the dust of the earth. Yet it is our body which is being designed not our life.
“So God created man in his image, in the image and likeness of God he created him: male and female he created them.” Gen 1:27
3. When God finished designing Adam the most important thing happened. God breathed unto Adam (gave his spirit to Adam) then Adam became a living being he started to live.
“ then the lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living being” Gen 2:7
Here it clearly tells us, how God made man. He formed him out of what he had created, the dust. Now it’s only our body which is being formed not our life, because Adam started living only when he received the breath from God. So God formed or designed us from the dust of the earth and breathed unto us his spirit to give us life. Scientists now a days are saying that life is designed, but it’s our body not our life which is being designed. As we read in genesis God formed man from the ground, after that he gave his spirit or his breath to him that is when man starts to live. Only after he received the spirit or the breath of God.
About our flesh we have no doubt because all our interactions with the outer world are through our flesh. We use our five senses and we are able to describe what we feel and what is happening to us or around us. About our spirit we may not be able to describe it easily but it is the innermost or the source of our existence. If the spirit is not in us for sure we are dead. When we die only our spirit will live because it comes out from eternal God, but our flesh will be decomposed in soil as it is taken from the soil.
“For as the body without the spirit is dead” James 2:26 NKJV
“It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body” 1corinth 15:44
“As long as my breath is in me, And the breath of God in my nostrils, ..” JOB 27:3
So it is the spirit which gives us life, and our life is the combination of our spirit, soul and flesh. What happens to our flesh whether good or bad we feel it deep in our heart and our mind, which is our soul and spirit. If it is good, achievement, reward, or success we express it in our emotions and we feel the joy in our heart. If it is bad we also feel the pain and frustration which arises as consequence. All three, our spirit, soul and flesh partake in any event, that occurs in our life. Our soul is the middle man and is influenced both by our flesh and by our spirit. After the fall of Adam our spirit and our flesh enter into enmity. The flesh wants the pleasures of this world and wants to do anything that makes it glad no matter if it is good or bad. On the other hand our spirit tries to follow what is just, acceptable, right attitude, the way that leads to justice, harmony and integrity. The war becomes visible. It’s like what we know about the Id, ego and the super ego. Id is pleasure seeker like our flesh, the ego is the middle one like our soul, where as the super ego is like the spirit which tries to reason and choose what is good, acceptable just and right.
“now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious) they are immorality, impurity, indecency, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper) selfishness, divisions, (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions heresies), Envy, drunkenness, carousing and the like.” Then the soul is squeezed between these two (spirit and flesh) or the ego is squeezed between the Id and the super ego. Our soul (conscience, intellect) tries to speak and reason with our flesh to persuade it to follow the right and just way. At times our spirit wins but most of the time the flesh becomes out of control.
Even though originally what we call life is directly our spirit, but what we do or the circumstances that happen to our flesh are the main factors that influences us to appreciate or hate life.
What does it mean to live, do we value life, and is life worth living?
In life there are many challenges and difficult times that force us to take undesirable actions or decisions. Out of our misery we want to end our life. Is it because we want to end our life or to end our miseries? Are our problems great enough to cause us to end our life? Is suicide the best solution to put an end to all our challenges in this world?
These are very difficult and challenging questions. And we have to be reasonable and reason well before we reach a decision (think twice before you decide once). Yes the world is more unstable as never before. But we have to be patient and learn from individuals who were before us. And we also see people overcome their challenges and become victorious in their lives. So we are not the only ones who face challenges, miseries, very bad and unbearable moments. We are able to overcome it if we are willing to face the challenge instead of running from it. Most of the time what comes to us unexpectedly, is the result of our decision or our choice. We enter to it without knowing the full implication or consequence.