Chosen to Witness His Greatness

by Janice Eman-Henshaw



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/26/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781973669296
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781973669289
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781973669272

About the Book

Chosen to witness His Greatness is about gaining a greater understanding of the truth that God wanted you for Himself before your existence. The book highlights the needed sacrifice of Jesus Christ as God’s overall intended plan to birth a generation of sons and daughters from His Spirit. The acceptance of God’s wisdom by receiving the final work of His son Jesus, grants any human being the right to live on this earth under His protection. The book highlights the importance of studying God’s word with the mindset that the scriptures are meant to reveal the evidence of His love and the enemy’s plan to distract and detour believers by using emotions, shame, guilt and even loved ones to cause Christians to question the righteousness that is given free in Christ Jesus graciously.

About the Author

The author shares the challenges she faced throughout her younger years in life and into her adulthood of not knowing what to believe about who God is. She did not have a mentor to teach her how to read and apply the Bible in her life contextually. Intentionally, Janice conveys to her readers the struggle of emotionally wanting more in a relationship with the Lord, but inadvertently feeling guilty of not knowing how to achieve it. She shares supernatural encounters from the Lord in spite of her unfavorable behaviors. Her writing displays the love, grace, and mercy of God despite our failures.

Janice is agressively active in ministry and is known for ministering the love of God consistently into the homes of believers/nonbelievers, hospitals, churches and workplace. She conducts regular prayer meetings, bible studies, orchestrates outreaches throughout her community, and has received numerous testimonies of miracle healings as a result of her spirit-filled prayers. Her goal is to help believers to embrace their uniqueness and to allow the Holy Spirit of God to build them through His written word in love.

To learn more about the author, visit her author website;