I Do

A Christian Guide to Marriage

by Kari Quijas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/18/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 310
ISBN : 9781973672135
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 310
ISBN : 9781973672142
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 310
ISBN : 9781973672159

About the Book

While visiting Monterey, California, November of 2018, my friends - Naarah, Mary and Irene and I attended a CLC, Christian Life Church, Ladies conference. We laughed (a lot), and cried together as Pentecostal ladies do at Holy Ghost filled church service with touching altar calls. In the beautiful atmosphere (that was created), we felt safe to share funny stories, and ask questions of each other. Some of the ladies had lost their husbands after many years of working together pastoring. They missed their husbands.

After, we spoke together it occurred to us all, We need more resources on marriage - godly marriage that’s found in our Christian Holy Bible! In the evening hours, walking outside the conference, we agreed someone needs to write a book on it. Why not us? Each lady was given a chapter to write: questions such as, When you were little, what was your idea of marriage? As an adult, what did you think marriage would be like? Or, how do you work through arguments? How do you create a harmonious, loving marriage? How do you submit to your husband, when you disagree with him? How do you forgive? After the Ladies event, I immediately thought of my friend in Hawaii, Panui Shepard. She and her husband, Greg pastor there on the Island of Maui. I asked Panui if she would contribute to the book also, and I gave her a list of questions. As an experienced pastor’s wife, she blessed us with her wisdom. I hope they minister to you. The next friend I asked was Daisy Bennett. She works in the ministry at CLC Christian Life Church in Stockton, CA. At the conference she was so anointed, and flowed with her contribution to the book, Waiting for My David. I loved what she said, and asked if I could record her thoughts on page.

Much of the book is from my perspective. My husband and I open up on marriage through our nineteen years together. This is our gift to you. I hope it blesses you; and helps work out the rough areas of combining two distinct individuals as one: Husband and wife.

About the Author

Kari Quijas is a Radiology Mammographer and a Pastor's wife. She and her husband, Frank, live in San Jose, California with her three daughters, Brittany, Micah and Christa Bella.