The Theory of Devolution Devilution

Realizing the True State of Humanity and Exposing the Lie of Evolution

by Dr. Phillip Seals



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/10/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781973658184
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781973658177
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 214
ISBN : 9781973658160

About the Book

Devilution is the interjection of the devil, his philosophies, ideologies, and rebellion into God’s creation, including the affairs of man’s existence throughout history, focusing on the emotional, psychological, and behavioral aspects of man’s relating to God and other human beings. The word devilution will be synonymous with devolution and will serve as a surrogate for this word in many instances, revealing man’s true spiritual state.

About the Author

Phillip Douglas Seals was born in N.C. in January 1961. He has three brothers and two sisters that he grew up with. In 1979 he graduated high school and entered the United States Army being discharged in 1986. He then relocated to Tennessee where he went to college and became a licensed paramedic. He was motivated to seek this pre-hospital emergency training and education because of his affiliation with the local rescue squad.

As a paramedic he has further advanced his knowledge of pre-hospital emergency medicine by becoming certified as a Critical Care Paramedic, a Certified Flight Paramedic. He not only sought every opportunity to continue learning but he also became certified as an instructor in many basic and advanced life support and trauma care curricula. His goal was to serve and help others that were physically sick and injured.

In 2007 he began his education in ministry starting with Union University where he received a diploma in Christian ministry. He then transferred to Liberty Bible College and Seminary where he attained his Bachelor’s degree in Theology, and eventually his Doctorate in Christian Counseling. Dr. Seals’ goal now is to care for the spiritually sick and injured in obedience to our Lord and God.

Dr. Seals is also an ordained and licensed minister accepting the calling from the Holy Spirit of God in 2009.