How in the world, you think only treatment will take you off drugs!!...??.Ha! Ha! Ha! , You may be surprise that I laugh? , yeah! I just laughed at the devil. Don’t let anybody or organization deceives you, there is no place on this planet where drug addicts will completely come off drugs with ordinary treatment in the drug addiction clinics or going to rehab centers.
Do you think drug can take you off drugs? That is a lie from the pit of hell. Look! Treatment centers will only help you to reduce the drugs you are taking or the one you are addicted to, and unknowingly, you get more addicted to government approved drugs without realising it.
At the end of the day, you have become a licensed drug addict, because the drug you have been given in treatment centers to reduce your addiction, are legally approved by the authorities in the country. Note this, “I said to reduce not to treat or get rid of it,” but will let you stay on some kind of drugs in substitution of what you were already using before. You are still in another way a drug addict, but a legalised drug addict without realising it.
With my experience in drug clinic for the past ten years now, weather you are legal addict or illegal addict, the end of it is death. Devil is just using drug means to reap people into his kingdom. We have to be conscious of these strategies and quickly take action.
What I want you to understand is that, man is a spirit, he hailed from God, as we know already that God is a Spirit, we can’t see Him, but He sees us and knows everything about us. Man is not just a body you are treating, he is beyond all that. It’s high time we recognise that our spirit man controls our body, i.e. our physical man, the outward man you are treating.
If you don’t treat your spirit man first, before your outward man, you are just wasting your time and money. We all know that time and money is precious to us in life; even the bible says we should redeem our time.
Devil just want us to waste our time and money on earth, he want us to be wandering about life without God, and waste all the money and all the time we suppose to be using in sponsoring the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world, for people to get save and win them into the kingdom of God, he wants us to waste that money on drug treatment, and also waste time in the treatment that is not working.
In this book, I will let you know how you can come off any kind of drugs you are addicted to, and live a drug free life without spending a penny.
You may ask that, how can that be possible? I tell you, there is nothing impossible with God, well, if you only believe. And when He (God) does His things, it is free, absolutely free no money required, especially when He heals you from your drug addiction