If those of us in the world in the business of fighting evil can do our part in the cogwheel, then the whole wheel turns, spinning and spinning and ultimately working to reverse what evil was done. This is deep, hard work we are each called to do, but it starts with us becoming the change we want to see, not just offering up grandiose solutions for the problem.
All of the dreams we have will not come to fruition if we don’t actually change our actions, thoughts, and selves.
In my life, this looks like providing a system and place where victims and survivors of sex trafficking can come and have a chance of finding hope and healing. However, this will not happen for them if I am not exercising in my own life a place of healing and a life of compassion.
The word for this is authentic.
My life has to be one of authentic healing in order for the women in my safe home to heal. My life has to be one where compassion overflows, where my heart is broken to action, not broken and paralyzed with inaction. If I do not practice these changes in my own life, why would I ever expect anyone else to do the same? Why would I expect the women who come into my care to be authentic in their own healing journey?
“Be the change you wish to see in the world,” he said.
So how do you start? Most people are upset about the various injustices that occur around the world, but what is the one thing that keeps you awake at night? What is the thing that you see that you want to change? What is the evil that exists that you can no longer stand aside of—that you know deep in your heart you have to stand in the way of?
Discover that, then find out who is doing the work against it already (because they exist). Figure out their roles in the cogwheel. Do they work to prevent, to raise awareness, to be the actual hands that do the work, or maybe to make laws? This is a huge step in your discovery, because the last thing they need to hear is that they should be active in another part of the cogwheel. It is not why they exist; it is not their mission. They are supportive of the other parts of the wheel, but if they don’t do their intended part, then no one will, and the wheel will never truly spin.
Then—and this is key—ask them what they need and then do that thing. Do the very thing they need. If it is volunteer hours, make yourself available. Be the change. If it is monetary donations, then sacrifice a coffee a week to start and give what you can to the cause. Be the change. If it is help with filing, then file papers. If it is stuffing envelopes, then stuff some envelopes. Be the change; don’t be the burden.
Slowly, you will discover that you are becoming the person that is providing the very thing you wanted to see for so long. You see hope in the faces of those who experienced the very real evil. And all because you shut down your spreadsheets, you put aside your ego, you let go of the lofty ideas that you thought would be great and wonderful before you knew the issue from the inside out, and you simply learned what really helps, what really works, and you became that.
Authenticity over hubris—it changes lives.