The Call to Arms

The Battle for the Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Men

by Stephen Allen Newby



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/26/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781973658801
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781973658818

About the Book

The moment we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we are enrolled into battle against the unholy trinity; the world, the flesh, and the devil. And all too many men are AWOL (absent without leave) in their walk with the Lord. Spiritually, they are missing in action.

A Call to Arms is about the challenges all Christian men face in this battle and the ways our enemy goes about to subvert our growth and obedience to the call of God in our lives. It is addressed to Christian men who have struggled in their walk with the Lord, just as the author, Stephen, has.

The battle with our old nature is honestly addressed, as are the brokenness of divorce, loneliness, and other areas of woundedness within us. A look at the beauty of brokenness is addressed, noting that there are redemptive qualities suffering can bring about in our lives.

Renewal for the hearts, minds, and souls of men can come only by the transforming power of the Word of God.

Included after each chapter is a 5-day study guide to help us to examine our own heart and deepen our understanding of both the material covered and about ourselves.

About the Author

Nothing moves the heart of Stephen more than a changed life. He has worked in aerospace, space and defense systems, semi-conductor, and in the oil industry. He loves his two precious daughters, Sarah and Micah, and he loves to teach the Word of God.

Steve is an avid outdoorsman; surfing, fishing, snorkeling, and collecting rocks. These loves have been greatly curtailed with the amputation of his left leg above the knee, but he celebrates the memories of those wonderful times. He has known much pain and hardship, and who amongst us hasn’t. He writes what he has experienced. He writes from the heart.