Christmas Joy Again - Why?
I can't tell you that this year has been one that I would want to live again,
I can tell you that it has been one of ups and downs with mixed joy and pain,
At times I cried out to God, and said, Lord, it is enough, please make it stop,
But God just kept giving out His grace to this weak and miserable sop.
I can't say that I have arrived and look back with joy untold from what I learned,
I will admit that I can whine with the best, yet in my heart another page turned,
I am not where I was, I have changed for the better, and I am yet to where I could be,
My Father has great expectations, and a love that just simply does not give up on me.
I can't tell you that I am the greatest kid of His, nor am I one that sits without complaint,
I am so glad that My Father is slow to anger and has a great capacity for restraint!
For I am sure at times He is thinking, does she not know by now, after all these years
I have her best in mind, and long to wrap her in my arms and wipe away her tears?
Each time I try to settle, and want to plant my feet in firm, God moves the ground,
Reminding me again that it's only in Him that my anchor in life can truly be found,
I can't tell you that I've been thrilled; my plans once again are feathers in the wind,
And this subscription to my life, I would love at times, to cancel, change, or rescind!
However, or whatever, I keep learning AGAIN, today is all I am given,
It may be sunny, raining, relentless wind, or a raging storm that’s snow driven,
A picture of this life with all its changing moments, but still my life in motion,
Never stagnant, I can't go backward, and what's with "It's a Wonderful Life" notion?”
Life, well, it isn't the 'things, people or me' that bring hope, for they will always change,
For they leave me stranded, alone AGAIN, picking up the pieces of my heart to rearrange,
But, as I stoop down and in the quiet moments where no one else can reach inside,
God meets me there, whispers I will always love you, and will never leave you cast aside.
At times, I have to admit, I put up walls and give Him silence for I am angry or numb,
But He is faithful to pursue, for His love is not based on me and I finally succumb,
Wondering why again, I run from the only one that has always been trustworthy and true,
I confess my sin and need of Him, and marvel at this grace He gives, no matter what I do.
He has stretched me beyond my limits, and my life has been at times hanging by a thread,
Whether finances, a place to live, a job, relationships, or my body rejecting my daily bread,
No matter how weak in mind, body or soul, God has been my strength whatever the need,
Providing, sustaining, uplifting, sometimes carrying, and enabling me to proceed.
Who is this God you ask, and what difference would He make should you call on His name?
He is the God of the universe, the one who created you, the Only God who personally came,
As a babe, in a manger, from Heaven to earth to reach out with a tangible hand of love,
Inviting you to know Him, experience the life you've never known, which comes from above.
This baby, Jesus, the son of God, born in a family, lived in this world of such brokenness,
Experienced joy, sorrow, pain, loss, rejection, but never gave in to His flesh or hopelessness,
For He knew that He was sent with a mission to save a dying world that was eternally lost,
You and me, and to give us life, it would be death on a cross for our sin that it would cost.
For our sin, that sinful nature, separates us from the God who is holy, righteous and just,
God gave us Christmas, not Santa Claus or Happy Holidays, but a call to believe and trust,
This Jesus, the Saviour, who stands knocking, waiting to be invited into your life and heart,
Offers healing and forgiveness, and a right relationship with God no one can tear apart.
Life beyond the limits, joy beyond the pain, hope and peace in all the turmoil we live,
Wrapped up in Christmas, the gift no matter what, is boundless and free in all God has to give,
I know Him as my Saviour, and, `` It IS a wonderful life`` because Christ lives out in me,
The reason for life’s seasons, meaning beyond myself...what keeps you from this journey?