The United States Constitution and The Bible Conflict or Compromise

Exercise Your “Rights” as a Citizen Christian Pursuing the American Dream

by Morgan Chawawa



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/9/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 354
ISBN : 9781973653837
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 354
ISBN : 9781973653813
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 354
ISBN : 9781973653820

About the Book

This book is a thought-provoking, deeply spiritual treatise containing a mixture of biblical and political research along with personal observations of the author regarding the lives of American citizens and Christians. Are the two identities compatible? Are they mutually exclusive? Can they work together?

Readers will ponder their own beliefs on these issues. Many Christians face the dilemma of choosing between their “rights” as citizens of America and their “rights” as citizens in God’s kingdom in their daily decisions and interaction with other people. The two are intertwined, and the choices we make determine the quality of our lives both as citizens of the USA and as children of the Living God. Christians must know their “rights” in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness as US citizens and as citizens in God’s kingdom because they have a biblical duty to participate in the civic affairs of the United States.

About the Author

MORGAN CHAWAWA is a lecturer at Botswana Open University, educated in the USA and became a Christian as a student at University. He taught the US Constitution at Perimeter College, (formerly DeKalb College), Atlanta Georgia. and was motivated to carry out a comparative study of the US Constitution from a biblical perspective. The social freedoms and political rights at the centre of the US Constitution can also be found in the Bible. In 1994, Dr Chawawa was one of the reviewers of the textbook “Government by The People in 1994’ published by McGraw Hill. He holds a BSc in Urban Government Administration and a Master of Public Administration from Georgia State University, and is an ABD in Political Science at the same University. He received a Doctor of Ministry from Immanuel Theological College, Georgia. He was an Adjunct Professor at Baptist Theological College, South Africa and Rhema College, Zimbabwe.