The Christian’s Prayer Book

Focused Prayers 101

by David C Jantjies



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/11/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781973649410
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781973649434
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781973649427

About the Book

In the beginning man had to be in a very distinct relationship with God in order to have passage to his heart. However, this would dramatically change when Jesus came to earth. Early in his ministry, Jesus realized man’s inability to pray. And thus, Jesus taught his followers to pray the Lord’s Prayer as recorded in Matthew 6: 9–13. It is evident that Jesus was teaching his followers that his Father does not expect lengthy supplications. We simply had to enter in prayer giving God glory, soliciting the things we need, begging for forgiveness, petitioning a way around evil, and finally pouring out our adulations on God in all his majesty.

David Christian Jantjies, in this epic work, digs a little deeper and uncovers the untapped treasures of the much-neglected individualized focused prayer. The time has now come to approach the throne of God with focused prayers—less detailed, accentuated prayer-worship of the Living God, themed petitions, and crisp thanksgiving for what God has done and is still doing. It further preaches for a more frequent interaction with God.

The Christian’s Prayer Book – Focused Prayers 101 is a glorious work. Readers will be able to identify with most of these prayers. The spectrum is wide. The glorification of God is immense. The petitions are daily contentions. The praise-giving to God is huge. Each prayer is supported by potent quotations. However, do not miss the teachings on what prayer is, where to pray, when to pray, and how to pray.

About the Author

David C Jantjies (PTD, BA, B.Ed., M.Ed.) is an acclaimed educationist and leader in his community and church. Apart from having been a high school principal and inspector of schools, David also landed himself senior management positions in national rail transport and in the central bank of South Africa.

David has extensively traveled his home country, South Africa, as well as Nigeria, Lesotho, Swaziland, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Namibia, several European countries, and the United States of America. He has represented his church internationally several times, worshiped with bishops and priests, yet he also sat down to pray and share bread with the down-and-out.

However, it is David’s unequivocal passion for Christian education, saving of souls, caring for the needy, and praying with those whose words have stuck in their throats, that keeps on driving him forward. He fervently believes that, “What lies behind us and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

This outstanding example of servitude is an astute motivational speaker, a preacher and inspirational writer. He is also a qualified South African National Tourist Guide, project coordinator, loves singing, and plays the guitar. His forte is undoubtedly working with the youth, propelling them to unprecedented heights of excellence.

David actively inspires his social media audience daily from his website, He currently pursues his Ph.D.