A Student Of Life

by Sally Stierhoff



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/14/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9781664269583
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9781664269590
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9781664269576

About the Book

“The Great Commission commands us to make Disciples, not Converts. In the Christian context a Disciple is most commonly referred to as a follower of Jesus. In its most literal context a disciple is a ‘learner.’ In either case we’re not talking about an event, but rather a process or lifestyle. Sally’s story and stories of life garnered experience are both wisdom and practical next steps for the serious disciple. A Student of Life is a Discipleship Primer that will both inspire, instruct, and enlighten the reader as they establish their own life story.”
Pastor Steven S. Harman, Th.D. Retired church plant pastor, current volunteer missionary with: A Time to Revive and Revive Ohio Ministries
In Sally Steirhoff’s most recent work, A Student of Life, she invites her readers to share an intimate stroll with her Savior. The conversation pairs insightful stories with lessons for living with each page being gently sprinkled with Scripture. Take time, as I did, to enjoy its many flavors. I guarantee you’ll be amply rewarded with refreshing insights that linger long in your soul.
Dr. Wayne Cordeiro, Author and Sr. Pastor
New Hope Church & College
Eugene, Oregon

A Student of Life conveys wisdom and practical advice on topics such as fear, anger and grief, marriage and blended families, self-worth and personal growth, and finding true happiness and peace.
Life can be a journey of adventures and challenges—and how you deal with them determines your level of success and joy. In this book, the author draws on her life experiences and observations to convey the unlimited love of God. She answers questions such as:
How can you ask for God’s help when you need it?
What are the benefits of spending time in prayer?
How can you overcome past mistakes?
Why should you surrender yourself to Christ?
As a student of life, the Lord has revealed many wonderful things to the author. By learning about them, you’ll find an easier road to travel.
Evaluate your life, ignite your faith, and enjoy the benefits that go along with knowing how much God loves you with the lessons in this book.

About the Author

Sally Stierhoff retired from the business world in 2013 and began pursuing her passion for writing and intercessory prayer full-time. She leads several prayer groups and has been a guest on Christian radio stations. She is an avid gardener and enjoys art, decorating, and reading. Her greatest joy is making memories with her family and friends and developing and encouraging spiritual growth in others. She is also the author of S.O.A.P. How To Clean Up Your Stinking Thinking One Day at a Time.