Using Prayer to Unlock Your 21st Century Destiny

Prayer Saves, Works Miracles, and Blesses

by Dr. Dominic Nyaaba



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781973617242
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781973617235

About the Book

This book lays the stone foundation for unearthing your destiny through prayer. Prayer is like a live wire, which makes you triumph in life. This book will give you the needed spiritual strength to subdue and triumph over every dicey situation in your life. Prayer has the ability to extricate you from the jaws of danger and death. Seemingly impossible financial problems are resolved by the means of prayer. Prayer accompanied with supernatural anointing breaks the yoke of bondage and delivers you from the entangled web of Satan. Prayer backed by supernatural anointing cures every disease. Prayer backed by supernatural anointing gives you success in all your endeavors. Anointing coupled with prayer will make you an invincible twenty-first-century leader. Prayer will make you unconquerable in every facet of your life. Prayer gives you hope and makes you recognize that the chief shepherd, Jesus, would never abandon you. Prayer gives you the might you need to overcome the Amalekites and the Philistines of your life. Prayer provides divine assistance against conspiracy. Prayer annihilates rulers, authorities, and powers of the dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Prayer gives you the anointing of David and the might of Samson to asphyxiate the Philistines and every enemy of your life. Prayer provokes divine assistance, making you possess the land in business, in education, in politics, in your community, and in your society.

About the Author

Born in the year 1966 in Tamale, Ghana, Dominic A. A. Nyaaba completed his Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Ghana in June 1998 with a combined major in French and Linguistics, obtaining First Class Honors. He received the master of Divinity Degree in June in 2006 from International Theological Seminary and in June 2012 received the PhD in Biblical Studies from Newburgh Theological Seminary, Newburgh, Indiana. Dr. Nyaaba is currently the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Winning Life Prayer Ministry in Los Angeles, California. Winning Life Prayer ministry was approved by the Bureau for Post-Secondary Education in 2014 to become academic instruction institution in California. Dr. Dominic Adua Nyaaba earned another Ph.D degree in His own College (WLPM) in 2017.

He is the Owner, the Private Patrol Operator, the qualified manager, and the operations manager of WINNING LIFE SECURITY in Los Angeles, California. His licenses are PPO number 18034 and PSE number 634. He is currently a Paralegal student in Fremont College, Cerritos in California earning a GPA of 4.00, the highest in the history of the college.