All the Commandments of Christ Volume I

Keys to Inheriting All the Blessings of God

by Dr. Esther V. Shekher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/19/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781973627876
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781973627869
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781973627852

About the Book

All the Commandments of Christ Volume I: Keys to Inheriting All the Blessings of God opens up God’s heart by exploring Christ’s commands and his intentions for shaping his children’s lives. Readers may immerse themselves in the scriptures as they explore its settings and meanings and discern the directions it sets for modern daily life. In this book, Dr. Esther V. Shekher groups together pertinent biblical passages, organizes them, and shows how they reveal the path for Christians to follow to inherit the blessings God promises to all who obey Christ’s commands.

If you have wondered what Jesus’ commands say about daily life, how one can follow them, and what sort of consequences flow from obedience and disobedience, then All the Commandments of Christ Volume I will satisfy both your curiosity and your spiritual hunger.

About the Author

Dr. Esther V. Shekher, a Medical Doctor and the Founder of Christ Rules Ministries, has been serving as an Evangelist for the past 15 years. She established an international prayer network (IPN) to carry out a God-given vision to foster the formation of prayer cells dedicated to interceding for the salvation of perishing souls. She has preached in about 40 Pastors Conferences and has started around 9000 prayer cells so far. Go to:;