Let us see the value in each day, planting the patient seeds of kindness, that they may provide eventual benefit to all who will partake of the fruit from them. This nutritional fruit of kindness is a treasure that grows from the seeds that we plant. God shares His wisdom with Nathanael and Patience by telling them the value of realizing the importance of the impact that their lives can have on others. It is imperative that we plant, as farmers, the patient seeds of kindness in our own lives. Eventually those seeds grow into mature trees filled with the fruits of kindness that all people want to eat.
As many animals gather under fruit-bearing trees to partake of their kindness each morning, may others look forward to gathering around us each day, to partake of our kindness which, hopefully, will have a profound impact on their own lives for the day.
Nathanael and Patience come to understand that a very treasured fruit that others would love to eat off of our kindness-tree each morning would be a simple smile! Everyone loves to taste another person's genuine smile! Nothing tastes better than a true smile. It says “pleasure” to the taste buds of all as they thoroughly enjoy each moment of this treat that you are providing for them. So, always, freely, give each person you meet the delicious fruit of a genuine smile, for it is truly the universal language of kindness!
With each moment of each day, let the mature fruit of your kindness-tree also contain precious acts of kindness for all to partake of. Every day presents each one of us many opportunities to do just simple acts of kindness towards others, which costs us nothing, and yet, may be just what another person may really need that day. You see, each person, every day, is experiencing the ravaging effects of doing battles, and if we freely give to them the cherished fruit of a smile, and a kind deed for their benefit, it may help them dearly in the personal battles they are dealing with that day. Kind words, like seeds, are never thrown away. They will always bear the fruit of kindness towards those they are freely given to.
We must come to understand that each one of us are not only farmers, patiently planting seeds of kindness to grow into mature trees providing the fruit of kindness for the benefit of others, but we are also architects. As an architect carefully, methodically and with precision develops the intricate details of every inch of a building, we are to do the same with our lives. Our own personal fate, the precise details of every inch of our life, is precisely determined by what our heart produces in our life. If our heart, the architect of our life, under the guidance of God, produces the habitual practice of kindness, then the building of our life can truly be a blessing towards all who will use it.
Nathanael’s and Patience’s hearts are enlightened to understand that wherever the path of their lives may lead them each day, they always need to have the eyes of their heart wide open to look for kindness opportunities.
God shares with Nathanael and Patience that some people feel that they are useless in this world and that they have nothing that they can offer to others. What they don't realize, though, is that if they allow themselves to be used by God to share the fruit of kindness to others, they may find themselves being used by God greatly to lighten the burden of someone else. Each person must realize that they are unique! No matter how old they are or what their circumstances may be, they still have that special gift of kindness that can be freely given away to greatly benefit another person. This gift of kindness can be given to others no matter how old one may be! Yes, indeed, just the simple little thought of sharing kindness with another person has more value in it than just giving away a large amount of money. It doesn't take a great deal of effort to share kind words and deeds, but their long-term effect can bear endless precious benefits to another person. Each one, if they really want to be a blessing of encouragement to others, needs to begin this fruitful venture of sharing kindness today! If one chooses not to share kindness today, tomorrow may be too late to help that person who needed your help today. This act of kindness that you desire to show may be just what they need to receive the healthy balm for their soul and the blessing they urgently need today.
No matter what the day may bring, no matter what the injuries and events of the day may bring upon another, it is always possible to show kindness. God awakens the understanding of Nathanael and Patience to see with their hearts’ eyes that when others see that you are full of kindness, they will see it shining in your eyes like the sun at noonday. They will see it in the way that you look at all things with tender, delicate and loving eyes. They will see and hear it in the way you talk to others and in the way you conduct yourself. There will be absolutely no way that you will be able to hide it, for it will overflow in your life like a magical goblet filled, to overflowing, with enchanted drops of golden comfort.