Because of You Old Glory Flies

Poems of Gratitude for Our U.S. Military and Veterans

by Julie Dueker & Illustrated by Ray Sorensen II



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/27/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781973664574
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781973664567

About the Book

Because of You Old Glory Flies is a collection of heartfelt poems and illustrations to say thank you to all who have served, or currently serve in the United States military. In creating this book, Julie Dueker and Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II, a.k.a. The Freedom Rock Painter, have combined their unique talents and passions for God and country to show America’s heroes we are forever in their debt. They pray this book touches the hearts and lives of those who open it and share it.

“I’m impressed with Julie’s work to capture the essence of hero. There are heroes all around us and some we would never know served in our nation’s military to defend the rights and privileges that we hold dear. We can never repay them enough for all that they and their families have given to the rest of us. Many are in cemeteries across our land and overseas. Some didn’t return at all. Others live quietly in our communities continuing to give of themselves for the good of others. America’s greatness lies on the backs of our veterans and those who serve today. They have fought and died for us. I believe Julie’s works depict that very well.”

–Colonel Robert C. King (Ret)

About the Author

Julie (Schmidt) Dueker is a Christian educator who loves sharing her passion for God, music, and patriotism with children of all ages. In 2017, Julie was honored as Iowa’s VFW Elementary Teacher of the Year. Julie is the founder and director of Young Patriots Club, a Christian ministry of freedom–loving youth whose mission is to honor God and uplift American heroes. She and her young patriots perform at various events honoring heroes by reciting historical documents, singing patriotic songs, and sharing poetry, including the poems in this book.

Julie and her husband, Craig, live in West Des Moines, Iowa, where they have been blessed with the honor of raising three amazing young men, Ryan, Josh, and Zach. Julie is grateful for the support of her family, friends, school family, and Young Patriots Club who share gratitude for God’s blessings upon our country, and those whose sacrifices secure our freedoms. For more information about this book, accompanying music, and to learn about Julie’s ministries, visit