The Advent Overture

Meditations and Poems for the Christmas Season

by Stuart McAlpine



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/28/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781973610113
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781973610120
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781973610106

About the Book

The Advent Overture will change the way you look at the Christmas season. With winsome charm and wit, its prose and poetry present enlightening and enriching meditations on the Nativity story, with deeply personal and poignant applications that will relate to the contours of every reader’s life. It gives a unique and refreshing perspective on all the players in this theater of grace, who will become your mentors as you read, speaking to your own choices and challenges, problems and pains, beliefs and behaviors. You will identify with their fears as well as their faith and feel equally included in God’s plans and purposes for the coming of Jesus. Every note of this overture will encourage you to engage the symphony that follows in the gospels and epistles, which develop and fulfill all that is intimated in the Nativity narrative. Once read, you will want to give this book to others as a personal invitation to join the concert.

About the Author

The Apostle John inspired Stuart’s desire to be both pastor and poet. A graduate of Cambridge University in English Literature and Theology, Stuart taught Literature before being called into pastoral ministry. He planted Christ Our Shepherd Church in Washington DC in 1987, where he continues to serve. Together with his wife Celia, he serves as the International Director of ASK Network (, an international prayer movement, and also as a Senior Teaching Fellow at the C.S.Lewis Institute ( This book expresses his passions for the incarnation narrative, biblical meditation and poetry, expressed over thirty years of pastoral teaching on the birth narratives of Jesus. With creativity and imagination, Stuart has transmuted his annual Advent meditations into poems that illuminate the incarnation from fresh perspectives and invite us to relate in new ways to the Nativity story at the Christmas season.