Entering in His presence
By now you probably have been liberated from sin consciousness, understood that you are righteous by faith and started enjoying the presence of the Father to a greater degree. Hallelujah!
To enter in the presence of the Father there has to be three factors operating in your life.
1. an open invitation
2. a willing heart
3. and an effort
The maker of heaven and earth, our Father, gives us an open invitation to come into His presence and reason together with Him (Isaiah 1:18). Jesus invited us to come unto him, all who labour and are beaten down by dead religious works (Matthew 11:28).
Are your tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take real rest. Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. Matthew chapter 11, THE MESSAGE
The invitation has been open for two thousand years. Our sins have been forgiven and the laws and commandments that were contrary to us were nailed to the cross by our Saviour (Colossians 2:14). In Luke 11:21, 22 Jesus said that when a strong man fully armed, guards his own place, his goods are safe. But when a man stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armour in which he trusted and divides his spoils. There’s a great nugget of truth hidden in these words of Jesus. Satan is the strong man and his armour was the laws and the commandments in which he trusted to beat humankind down. Jesus is the stronger man who came and took away the armour in which Satan was trusting and nailed it to the cross (Colossians 2:14). If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation (II Corinthians 5:17)! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Satan literally has nothing to bring accusation against us. Yet he is defeating us every day because of our ignorance of truth.
For more than two thousand years only a few have understood this freedom in Christ and have enjoyed a greater degree of fellowship with the Father. Now, you can also enjoy that fellowship with the Father. The Holy Spirit is constantly guiding you and it is Him who put this book in your hand to liberate your thinking so that you will run freely into His presence and dwell there.
Open spaces of God’s grace
Grace is the unmerited favour God is showering upon us. Yet why are we trying to merit it with our efforts? It must be obvious to us by now, yet we have not understood this very essence of Grace. The law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (John 1:17). Grace did not appear only in the New Testament; it has always been grace from the beginning of time until now and will be in the future. It was by grace through faith that all the saints of the Old Testament enjoyed fellowship with the Father. So what grace did Jesus bring in the New Testament?
Grace the power to change
Grace can also be understood as divine ability that supersedes our natural ability. In the Old Testament times, man had to depend on his own ability to obey the laws and the commandments. The paradigm shift in the New Testament is Christ who became our ability. Sin shall not have dominion over us because we are no longer under law, but under grace (Romans 6:14). Do you have a sin problem that hinders enjoying God’s abiding presence? That means you are looking at your own ability instead of Christ’s ability. You are counted holy and righteous in Christ by the Father. This is the only reality that should fill your hearts and minds.
How do I apply this practically? For example if you sin, do not go to the Father as a sinner needing forgiveness. Go to him as a righteous person who needs to repent. Before you were born again, no amount of righteous deeds that you performed made you righteous. Likewise once you were united with Christ and made righteous in Him; your sins do not make you a sinner. You are hidden with Christ. You have been forgiven of all sins at the cross two thousand years ago. Now, only your attitude determines your ability to perceive God in this situation. Develop your mind and your attitude from the word of truth and not based on some religious logic. Despite your sins, when you begin to confess that you are still righteous in Christ, you begin to fix your eyes on Jesus the author of your righteousness. Jesus gets the glory! Can you see it?
Won’t such an attitude make us all become casual to sin, you may wonder? Quite the contrary happens when you actually understand this truth, this righteousness consciousness eliminates the desire to sin and you will see that you no longer have the desire to sin. You become a slave to righteousness! Try it, every morning remind yourself that you are holy and righteous with the righteousness of God. See what happens to your thinking over a period of time. Righteous consciousness makes you supersensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.